2025 Rule Book


Rules Chair: First Vice President Ryan Hall




Unit 14 – 7175 17th Avenue, Burnaby B.C. V3N 1K8


Box 1061, Crofton B.C. V0R 1R0










Rules that have changed for the 2025 season have been typed in red font. Deletions are not highlighted or shown. Refer to AGM minutes for details.

Table of Contents        

Section 1: Constitution        10

Section 2: Bylaws        11

Article I        General        12

Article II        Rules        13

Article III        Membership        14

Article IV        Player Eligibility        15

Article V        Government        16

Article VI        Nominations for Directors        17

Article VII        Past Presidents        18

Article VIII        Duties of Executive        19

Article IX        Meetings        20

Article X        Quorums        21

Article XI        Amendments        22

Article XII        Order of Business - Annual Meeting        23

Article XIII        Fees        24

Article XIV        Age Requirements, Divisions of Players within Affiliated Associations        25

Article XV        Tournaments        26

Article XVI        Trophies        27

Article XVII        Exhibition or Inter-League Games        28

Article XVIII        Boundaries        29

Article XIX        Procedure        30

Article XX        General        31

Section 3: Executive, Committees, and Honor Rolls        32

Executive Committee        32

Board of Directors        32

Non-Voting Staff        32

Director Election Table        33

Divisions        34

Committees        35

BCMBA Meritorious Award        37

LIFE MEMBERS        38


Section 4: Previous Year Winners        42

Section 5: Playing Rules and Regulations        43

BC Minor Baseball Rules for:        43

Definitions and Applications        43

Rule 1:        Membership in BC Minor Baseball        44

1.01        Definition of an Association as it Applies to Membership        44

1.02        Annual Responsibilities of an Association        44

1.03        Conditions of Membership        44

1.04         Conditions of Membership for New Associations        45

1.05        Right to Field Teams        45

1.06        Extensions        45

1.07        Internal Association Dispute Resolution Process        45

1.08        Playing Outside British Columbia        46

1.09        Risk Management        46

1.10        Independent Teams        46

Rule 2:        Affiliation Fees        47

2.01        Per Player Fees        47

2.02        Per Single Season Team Fees        47

2.03        Per Summer League Team Fees (due July 1)        47

2.04        Per Zone Play (all divisions)        47

2.05        Per Provincial (all divisions)        47

Rule 3:        Association Boundaries        48

3.01        General        48

3.02        Grandfathering        48

Rule 4:        BC Minor Baseball Competitive Levels of Play        49

4.01        Single Seasons        49

4.02        Spring Seasons        49

4.03        Summer Seasons        49

Rule 5:        Age Requirements        50

5.01        Cut-off Dates/Times        50

5.02        Age by Division        50

5.03        Proof of Age - Acceptable Documents        50

5.04        Overage Players        50

5.05        Permanent Move Up        51

5.06        Temporary Call Up        51

5.07        Overage Players for 18U AA        52

Rule 6:        Player Eligibility – Release Procedure        53

6.01        Residence Eligibility        53

6.02        Permission to play in an association outside the boundaries of residence.        54

6.03        Obtaining Releases        54

6.04        Completing an Age Division        57

6.05        Release Dates        57

Rule 7:        Single Season Procedures: 13U AAA, 15U AA, 15U AAA & 18U AAA        58

7.01        Declaration Dates        58

7.02        Submission of Rosters        58

7.03        Roster Changes        58

7.04        Deletion of Players from Roster        59

7.05        Player Eligibility – Provincial Championships        59

7.06        Number of Players        59

7.07        Boundaries: 18U AAA ONLY        59

7.08        Required Rest        59

Rule 8:         Spring Play        60

8.01        Player Eligibility        60

8.02        Notice of Tiered Intentions        60

8.03        Violations        60

8.04         5U        60

8.05         7U        60

8.06        9U        60

8.07        11U        60

8.08        13U        61

8.09        15U:        61

8.10        18U: Tiered teams permitted.        62

Rule 9:        Summer Play Procedures        63

9.01        Player Eligibility        63

9.02        Right to Participate        63

9.03        Declaration Dates        63

9.04        Number of Teams Required        63

9.05        Release of Players/ Mergers        67

9.06        Number of Players        67

9.07        Number of Coaches        68

9.08         Submission of Summer Rosters        68

9.09         Roster Changes        69

9.10        Producing Rosters        69

9.11        Summer Season Move-up and Move-Downs        69

Rule 10:        Managing and Coaching        71

10.01        Age        71

10.02        General        71

10.03        Field Decorum        71

10.04        Number of Coaches        71

Rule 11:        Coaching Development and Training        72

11.01        Coaching Development        72

11.02        Coaching Certification        72

Rule 12        Participation in Non-Affiliated Leagues or Associations        73

12.01        Playing in other baseball programs.        73

12.02        18U AAA Exceptions        73

12.03        Process for violations        73

12.04         Challenger Baseball        74

Rule 13         Conduct for Managers, Coaches, Players, Parents and Spectators        75

13.01         Jurisdiction        75

13.02         Player, Coach, Parent and Spectator Expected Behavior        75

13.03         Prohibition of Cannabis, Tobacco, Alcohol and Non-Prescription Drugs        76

13.04         Travesty of the Game        76

13.05         Artificial noise makers        77

13.06         Communication at 13U and Younger Age Groups        77

13.07         At 13U and Younger Age Groups Coaches or Players at any time may NOT:        77

13.08         Communication at 15U and Older Age Groups        78

13.09         Prohibited Recruiting        79

13.10        Power to Suspend with Corresponding Discipline        79

13.11         Suspensions for Serious Misconduct        79

13.12         Automatic Suspension        79

13.13        Suspensions, Discipline Process and Procedures        80

13.14        One Game Suspensions        80

13.15        Two Game Suspensions        81

13.16         Three Game Suspensions        81

13.17         Five Game Suspensions        81

13.18         Extraordinary Misconduct and Discipline        81

13.19        Confirmation of Suspension and Disciplinary Measures        82

13.20         Disciplinary Direction for Corrective Measures        82

13.21        Provincial Championship        82

13.22        Appeals        83

13.23        Other Oversight Boards        83

Rule 14:        BCMBA Director Power to Intervene        84

14.01        Power to Intervene.        84

14.02        Reporting        84

Rule 15:        Sponsorship & Fundraising        85

15.01        Standards        85

15.02        Fundraising        85

Rule 16:        Appeals        86

16.01        Appeal Process        86

Rule 17:        Umpires        87

17.01        Use of Carded Umpires        87

17.02        Number of Umpires        87

17.03        No Umpires        87

17.04        Parent/descendent as an umpire        87

Rule 18:        Playing Field Dimensions        88

18.01        Specific Dimensions by Division        88

18.02         Fence Top Markers        88

Rule 19:        Equipment        89

19.01        Athletic Support/Cup        89

19.02        Helmets        89

19.03        Catchers Equipment        89

19.04        Bats        89

19.05        Ball        90

19.06        Uniforms        90

19.07        Footwear        90

19.08        Gloves        90

19.09        Bases        90

Rule 20:        Scheduling Games        91

20.01        Spring League        91

20.02        Summer League        91

20.03        Zone Play        91

20.04        Provincial Championships        91

20.05         Provincial Schedules - Round Robin Format        92

20.06        Maximum Number of Games per Day        92

20.07        Required rest between games (applies to Provincial Championships only)        93

Rule 21:        Obligation of Scheduled Games        94

21.01         League / Zone / Provincials        94

21.02        Exhibition / Invitational Tournaments        94

21.03        Forfeit Fine        94

21.04        Rain Outs (Single Season and Summer League)        94

Rule 22:        Administration of Games        95

22.01        Length of Game        95

22.02        Extra Innings        95

22.03        Called Games        95

22.04        Suspended games        96

22.05        Official Games called during an incomplete inning.        96

22.06        Called Games in a Provincial Championship        96

22.07        Time Limit (11U and 10U Provincials Only)        96

22.08        Mercy Rule        97

Rule 23:        Line-up & Substitutions:        98

23.01        Spring Play        98

23.02        Summer Play (all bat)- 10U & 11U (all levels); 13U A & AA; 15U A, 18U AA        98

23.03        Single Season Nine-player ball (13UAAA, 15UAA, 15UAAA, 18UAAA, 18UCP)        98

23.04        Injury Exceptions (9-player ball)        99

23.05        Ejections Exceptions (9-player ball)        99

23.06        Selection of Replacement Player (injury or ejection)        99

23.07        Designated Hitter Rule        99

23.08        Extra Hitter (EH)        99

Rule 24:        Pitching Rules        101

24.01        Number of Pitches and Required Rest        101

24.02        Exceeding Limits to Finish Batter        102

24.03        Pitching on Consecutive Days        102

24.04        Pitching and Catching on the Same Day        102

24.05        Suspended Games        102

24.06        Pitcher Removed        103

24.07        Rules Always in Effect        103

24.08        Penalty for Violations        103

24.09        Enforcement and Tracking        104

24.10        Tracking at Provincial Championships        104

Rule 25        Fair Play Rule        105

25.01        10U & 11U Spring        105

25.02        10U & 11U Summer        105

25.03        13U A; 13U AA; 15U A; (Spring & Summer) 13U AAA; (April 1 to June 14)        105

25.04        18U AA Spring        105

25.05        REPEALED 2024 AGM.        105

25.06        Single Season Teams        105

Rule 26:        General Playing Rules        106

26.01        Slide or Avoid        106

26.02        Force Play Slide Rule        106

26.03        Headfirst Slides        107

26.04        Bodily Fluids Rule (Blood)        107

26.05        Helmet Removal        107

26.06        Infield Fly        108

26.07        Minimum Players        108

26.08        Run Limits        108

26.09        Leadoffs        108

26.10        Dropped Third Strike        109

26.11        BCMBA Authority to Overrule Forfeit        109

26.12        Balks/Failure to deliver the pitch.        109

26.13        Warming-Up Pitchers        109

26.14        Intentional Walks        109

Rule 27:        Illegal & Ineligible Players        110

27.01        Definition of Illegal Player        110

27.02         Penalty for Illegal Player        110

27.03        Definition of Ineligible Player        110

27.04        Penalty for Ineligible Player        110

27.05        Duty to Report Ineligible Player (Single Season/Provincial Championship)        110

Rule 28:        Protests and Penalties        111

28.01        7U, 9U, 10U & 11U        111

28.02        Protest Procedure (Summer League or Single Season)        111

28.03        Withdrawal of team        111

28.04        Protest Committee (Provincial Championships)        111

28.05        Protest Procedure (Provincial Championships)        111

28.06        Protest of Illegal Players at Provincial Championship        112

Rule 29:        Provincial Championship Tiebreaking Rules        113

29.01        Tiebreaker        113

29.02        Tiebreaker Game (Applies to 15U and 18U ONLY)        113

Rule 30:        7U Specific Rules        114

30.01        7U will follow the rules set out in the Baseball Canada Rally Cap Program.        114

Rule 31:        9U Specific Rules        115

31.01        Preamble        115

31.02         Playing Line        115

31.03        General        115

31.04        Tournament Rules (Same as regular season with these exceptions)        118

Rule 32:        Application to Host Provincial Championships        120

32.01        Application to Host        120

32.02        Application Contents        120

32.03        Approval of Applications        120

Rule 33:        Host Responsibilities        121

33.01        Associations hosting provincial tournaments shall:        121

33.02        Associations hosting provincial tournaments are encouraged to:        121

33.03        At Provincial Championships BCMBA is responsible for:        121

33.04        Provincial Berth Distribution        121

Rule 34:        Repealed AGM 2022.        122

Rule 35        26U Division        123

35.01        General        123

35.02        26U Division Rules        123

Appendix A: SAMPLE PROVINCIAL DRAWS        125

General Notes:        125

Standard 10U & 11U Draw (10 teams)        125

Any Division (8 teams) – Only one field required        126

10 Team Provincial Draws        126

Appendix B: PRE-TOURNAMENT MEETING        128

Appendix C: Example of an LSO Conflict Resolution Policy template        129

Section 1: Constitution


  1. Name

The name of this Association shall be "The British Columbia Minor Baseball Association", hereafter referred to as the BCMBA.

  1. Purposes


The purposes of BCMBA shall be:

  1. To foster, improve and govern the game of baseball for their member associations in the Province of British Columbia, in accordance with the standard rules prescribed by the British Columbia Minor Baseball Association.
  2. To institute and regulate competitions in all recognized divisions among its member associations.
  3. BCMBA shall not operate nor permit the operation of a social club on premises occupied by it or under its control, nor will it permit games of chance to be played on such premises and this provision is unalterable.

Incorporated as a Society under the "Societies Act" February 29, 1968, #7930 Amended November 17, 2012.

Section 2: Bylaws

Amended: November 17, 2024


Article I         General

Article II         Rules

Article III         Membership

Article IV         Player Eligibility

Article V         Government

Article VI         Nominations for Directors

Article VII         Past Presidents

Article VIII         Duties of Executive

Article IX         Meetings

Article X         Quorums

Article XI         Amendments

Article XI!         Order of Business - Annual Meeting

Article XIII         Fees

Article XV         Tournaments

Article XVI         Trophies

Article XVII         Exhibition or Inter-League Games

Article XVIII         Boundaries

Article XIX         Procedure

Article XX         General

Article I        General

Sec. 1:        The registered office of BCMBA will be in the Province of B.C.
Sec: 2:        BCMBA may do such things, as approved by the Board of Directors, as may be necessary to raise funds to carry out the objects of BCMBA and may accept donations for this purpose.
Sec. 3:        The Secretary shall have custody of the seal of BCMBA which shall be affixed in the presence of the President, Secretary, and one other Director.
Sec. 4:                BCMBA shall have no borrowing powers.
Sec. 5:        Inspection of the books and records of BCMBA may be made by affiliated members at the place of and during the course of any meeting of BCMBA books and records of BCMBA shall be audited annually.
Sec. 6:        The operations of BCMBA are to be chiefly carried on within the City of Surrey in the Province of British Columbia.
Sec. 7        In the event of the dissolution of BCMBA, the assets of BCMBA remaining after the satisfaction of its liabilities and the proposed dissolution costs would become the property of the British Columbia Amateur Baseball Association to be held in trust until such time as a new British Columbia Baseball Association is formed, whose purposes would be compatible with those of the defunct Association and incorporated under the Societies Act. Dissolution of BCMBA shall be affected upon a 75% majority of voting members present, passed at a special meeting called for that purpose. This provision was previously unalterable and shall only be altered by unanimous vote of the membership present at a meeting to alter this paragraph Article I(g).

Article II        Rules

Sec. 1:        That the rules be that of the Canadian Federation of Amateur Baseball, hereafter referred to as the C.F.A.B., Official Baseball Rules and amendments thereto.

Sec. 2:        That British Columbia Minor Baseball Association shall be governed by this Constitution and Bylaws along with its playing rules and regulations (the “Playing Rules and Regulations”). The Playing Rules and Regulations are considered Ordinary Resolutions as defined in the BC Societies Act and are reviewed and amended by the membership each year at the Annual General Meeting by way of a majority vote (50% +1) of the votes cast, per resolution, at the Annual General Meeting and those Playing Rules and Regulations each year are hereby incorporated by reference to these Bylaws (hereinafter referred to as the “Rulebook”).

Sec. 3:        Specific amendments as set out by the British Columbia Baseball Association in our Rules and Regulations book and/or sections governing League and Tournament play within the Province of British Columbia shall take precedence over the C.F.A.B. Official Baseball Rules.

Sec. 4:        BCMBA has adopted the British Columbia Amateur Baseball Association's (Baseball BC) SafeSport Policies which may be implemented/referred to and/or used when BCMBA's Rules and Regulations do not cover said policies and/or parts thereof and their revisions by Baseball BC from time to time.

Article III        Membership

Sec 1:        Membership in this Association shall be open to those Leagues and associations which agree to abide by and comply with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the British Columbia Baseball Association. Members shall become members by submitting affiliation forms as provided and referred to on the Rulebook. Members shall hereinafter be referred to as Affiliated Associations.

Affiliated Associations of British Columbia Baseball Association, commencing March 7, 1987, WILL BE REQUIRED to file with BCMBA a certified copy of their "CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS" and any subsequent amendments thereto. Membership year shall be from March 31st of each current year.

Affiliated Associations shall remain in good standing pursuant to rules as set forth in the Rulebook.

Sec 2:        Elected and appointed voting members of the Board of Directors, who do not represent Affiliated Associations per Article III, Section 1, will for the duration of their tenure, have full motion and voting rights of Article III, Section 1 members including moving and voting upon Playing Rules and Regulations of the Rulebook except they:

  1. Will not have a vote to elect directors at member meetings [Special and General Meetings]
  2. Will not be allowed to put forth motions pertaining to the Constitution or By-laws and will not have a vote on same motions.

Article IV        Player Eligibility

Sec 1:        All persons who qualify under the residence rule may participate within their Affiliated Associations and participate in and with British Columbia Baseball Association Leagues (see Article XVIII, Section 1: & Sec. 2:)

Article V        Government

Sec. 1:        The government of the British Columbia Baseball Association shall be vested in a board of 21 directors, of whom:

  1. two (2) will be from Vancouver Island; and
  2. two (2) will be from the Interior of the Province; and
  3. two (2) will be from the Kootenay region; and
  4. one (1) will be from the Northern region; and
  5. eleven (11) will be from Metro Vancouver the Fraser Valley, or the Sunshine Coast; and
  6. seven (7) will be from any part of the Province of BC who may represent any intended to ensure regional representation for those areas which are unfilled by local regional representatives.

At each Annual General Meeting, following the election of directors, the Affiliated Associations shall elect from the Board Members the following officers, for a term that expires at the Annual General Meeting: President and Treasurer in ODD numbered years and the 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and Secretary in EVEN numbered years. The election of Officers shall not exceed the term of their directorship.

Sec. 2:        Thirteen (13) members shall be elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting which falls on even numbered years, for a two-year term of whom one (1) must be from Vancouver Island, one (1) must be from the Interior of the Province, one (1) must be from the Northern Region, one (1) must be from the Kootenays, six (6) must be from Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, or the Sunshine Coast and three (3) from any region of the Province.

Twelve (12) members shall be elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting that falls on odd numbered years, for a two-year term of whom one (1) must be from Vancouver Island, one (1) must be from the Interior of the Province, one (1) must be from the Kootenays, five (5) must be from Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, or the Sunshine Coast and two (4) from any region of the Province.

Sec. 3:        The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill, for the unexpired terms, all vacancies occurring in their number, between annual elections. The term of director appointed under this clause will expire at the next AGM.
Sec. 4:        The Board of Directors will have the authority to appoint a Coordinating Secretary, Umpire-In-Chief and Area Supervisors as the need may arise from time to time.
Sec. 5:          Any director absent from two (2) consecutive Board of Director meetings or three meetings in any twelve (12) month period, without reasonable cause as determined by a majority of the Directors, may be removed from the Board of Directors.

Article VI        Nominations for Directors

Sec. 1:        Directors shall be nominated in writing by an affiliated League in good standing, or by a Director of BCMBA
Sec. 2:        Nominations to be in the hands of the Coordinating Secretary, no later than three weeks before the date of the Annual Meeting.
Sec. 3:                Nominations will be accepted from the floor, at the Annual Meeting.

Article VII        Past Presidents

Sec. 1:        The immediate past president shall sit on the board in the position of past president for a period of one year after a new president is elected. At the conclusion of one year, the office of past president will be vacant until such time that a new president is elected.

Article VIII        Duties of Executive

Sec. 1:        The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Association, with the usual privileges of the office.
Sec. 2:        1ST VICE-PRESIDENT shall assist the President in all matters pertaining to BCMBA, and in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President.
Sec. 3:        The 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT shall, in the absence of the President, and 1st Vice-President, perform the duties of the President.
Sec. 4:        The SECRETARY shall take the minutes of the Annual, Board of Directors, and any Meetings, and be responsible for circulating these among the members of the Board of Directors, as soon as possible following said meetings.
Sec. 5:        The TREASURER shall be the custodian of all monies, or other property paid or donated to BCMBA and shall disburse same upon authority from the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep a true and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements and shall render a true account when required. The Treasurer shall furnish bonds in a Guarantee Company to the sum of $10,000.00 - BCMBA paying the premium.
Sec. 6:        The COORDINATING SECRETARY shall carry out all duties assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors. The Coordinating Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Coordinating Secretary may be compensated for his/her services and the amount to be determined by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 7:        The CHAIRMAN OF THE RULES COMMITTEE shall be an elected director and responsible for the standardization of rules interpretation. He/she may also function as the UMPIRE-IN-CHIEF of the British Columbia Baseball Association.

Sec. 8:        The AREA SUPERVISORS shall be in charge of any geographic area or areas as delegated by the Board of Directors. These geographic areas may be defined as specific "zones" or larger areas and if in doubt the Area Supervisor shall contact the Board of Directors directly.
Sec. 9:        The PLAYER ELIGIBILITY CHAIRPERSON appointed by the BCMBA Executive Committee shall oversee all Player Movement Applications. Any decisions will be communicated directly to the BCMBA representative responsible for the appropriate division.

Article IX        Meetings

Sec. 1:        The Annual Meeting of the British Columbia Baseball Association shall be held during the month of November each year.
Sec. 2:        At each Annual Meeting of the British Columbia Baseball Association, the place of meeting for the following year shall be decided by the Affiliated Associations present. In the event that no place is decided upon, the incoming Board of Directors shall decide where the next Annual Meeting shall be held.

Sec. 3:        No delegate of an Affiliated Associations shall be permitted to vote at an Annual Meeting or Special Meeting unless they shall have filed with the Coordinating Secretary, a certificate of appointment of an existing member of that Affiliated Association, signed by the President or Secretary of the Affiliated Association. 

Voting Proxies between Affiliated Associations are not permitted at any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting.

Sec. 4:        Special or General Meetings may be at the call of the President at any time, however, must be held upon the request of three affiliated members in good standing within thirty (30) days of receiving such notice.
Sec. 5:        A minimum of seven (7) days notice of such a meeting must be given, and the reason for such meeting noted therein.
Sec. 6:        The Affiliated Association must have operated the previous year under the jurisdiction of the British Columbia Baseball Association, before being given the right to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Sec. 7:        An Affiliated Associations in good standing shall be entitled to one vote at General or Special Meetings with exceptions noted in Article III, Section 2

Article X        Quorums

Sec. 1:        Seven Directors shall constitute a quorum at Board Meetings. Annual, General or Special Meetings a simple majority of delegates present and voting at any meeting of BCMBA shall be a quorum.

Article XI        Amendments

Sec. 1:        This Constitution and By-Laws, or any section thereof shall be amended or repealed by extraordinary resolution approved at any stipulated meeting (but not including a Board of Directors Meeting), by a three-quarters vote of the members present and voting, provided that written notice of such change or changes, over the signature of the President or Secretary, shall be sent to each member League at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed change or changes shall be submitted to a vote.
Sec. 2:        Notwithstanding anything contained herein, this Constitution and By-Laws, or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by a three-quarters vote of the member Affiliated Associations represented at an Annual Meeting.

Article XII        Order of Business - Annual Meeting

  1. Roll Call
  2. President's Welcome
  3. Minutes of the last Annual, General or any Special meeting held during the year
  4. President's Report
  5. Correspondence
  6. Treasurer's Report
  7. Committee Reports
  8. General Business
  9. Election of Officers
  10. New Business

Article XIII        Fees

Sec. 1:        To be determined at each Annual Meeting of BCMBA

Article XIV        Age Requirements, Divisions of Players within Affiliated Associations


Article XV        Tournaments

Sec. 1:        All Associations in good standing, subject to Rules and Regulations governing League and Tournament play, are entitled to enter tournaments conducted under sanction of the British Columbia Baseball Association
Sec. 2:        For all Tournaments leading to the selection of Provincial Champions the preferred format will be "Round Robin".  The board is allowed the discretion to apply a different format on a case-by-case basis.
Sec. 3:        That any team representing a British Columbia Baseball Association (BCMBA) member association, participating in any international or invitational competition, or otherwise, must receive the prior approval of the Association concerned and the British Columbia Baseball Association.
Sec. 4:        That any player playing on a team participating in any international or invitational tournament or competition representing the Province of British Columbia, or otherwise, must first receive the approval of their home league and the British Columbia Baseball Association.
Sec. 5:        All tournaments sanctioned by the British Columbia Baseball Association must comply with the British Columbia Baseball Association Rules and Regulations.

Article XVI        Trophies

Sec. 1:        The BCMBA shall be responsible to supply trophies for:

Provincial Championships

The Provincial Championship Trophies must be receipted for by the winning league President or Secretary.  It is the responsibility of said signatory or League, that all trophies must be returned to the Coordinating Secretary of the BCMBA, in good condition, not later than the first (1st) day of June of the year following them having been won.  Any damage to, or loss of, any trophy shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the League retaining the trophy. Leagues winning the Provincial Trophies will be responsible for having their name and year engraved on said trophy at their own expense.

Article XVII        Exhibition or Inter-League Games


Article XVIII        Boundaries

Sec. 1:                Each member Association must on affiliation with BCMBA, define its boundaries as stated in RULE 1.02(B) (also see Rule 3), and may only register players from within said boundaries.

Sec. 2:        A player who starts out in an Association may complete their age division in their original Association if they so desire, upon their family moving outside its boundaries.

Article XIX        Procedure

Any procedure not covered by these By-Laws shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article XX        General

The Playing Rules and Regulations are intended as a general guide and cannot specifically cover each situation that may arise. Therefore, the Board of Directors may, by resolution passed by 2/3 majority of the directors present at a regular, special, email or online meeting of the directors duly called for the purpose of the resolution, with notice of the details giving rise to the requirement for the Board to act under this Article XX, interpret and decide to the best of their judgement, with regard to all those circumstances of any specific case, any matter pertaining to the Playing Rules and Regulations.  Any such rule interpretation made by the Board shall remain in force until the following Annual General Meeting, where it must be approved by the membership in accordance with Article II section 2 of the bylaws, or it will cease to have effect.

This Constitution and By-Laws supersede all previous By-Laws of this Association, which are hereby declared repealed.

Adopted this 17th day of November 2024.

Section 3: Executive, Committees, and Honor Rolls

Executive Committee


Raj Puri


1st Vice President

Ryan Hall


2nd Vice President

Alan McKearney



Anne Hayes



Val Greenwood


Board of Directors

Al Forman

Lyndsey Hotell

Chad Giesbrecht

Mike Kelly

Dan Hodgens

Jamie Umber

Jon Aaron Hop Wo

Marty van-der-Loos

Erik Hope

Abigail Wong-de Leon



Neal Dhaliwal




David Herrington 




Tina Baker Cornett




Marty Hall




Veronica Vankoughnett




David La Casse




Julie Brown


Non-Voting Staff

Administrative Director

James Raymond


Director Election Table

Term Expires – November 2025

Term Expires – November 2026

1. Tina Baker-Cornett

1. Al Forman

2. Julie Brown (Kootenays)Mike Kelly

2. Marty Hall (Island)

3. Neal Dhaliwal (Interior)

3. Ryan Hall

4. Chad Giesbrecht

4. Anne Hayes

5. Val Greenwood

5. David Herrington (Interior)

6. Dan Hodgens

6. Jon Aaron Hop Wo

7. Jeremy Jardine

7. Erik Hope

8. Marty van-der-Loos

8. Lyndsey Hotell

9. Veronica Vankoughnett (North)

9.  Jaymie Humber


10. David La Casse (Kootenays)


11. Alan McKearney

12. Raj Puri

13. Abigail Wong-de Leon



26U Chair

Dan Hodgens


18U Chair

Anne Hayes


18U College Prep

Anne Hayes



David La Casse


18U AA

Chad Giesbrecht


15U Chair

Neal Dhaliwal



Neal Dhaliwal


15U AA

Abigail Wong-de Leon


15U A

Veronica Vankoughnett


13U Chair

Marty van-der-Loos



Marty Hall


13U AA

Al Forman


13U A

Jon Aaron Hop Wo


11U Chair

Alan McKearney


9U Chair

Lyndsey Hotel.



Rules – Chair




Ryan Hall

Erik Hope

David La Casse


Wong-de Leon


Eligibility – Chair



Neal Dhaliwal

Marty van-der Loos

Tina Baker-Cornett


Discipline – Co-Chair

Discipline – Co-Chair




Ryan Hall

David Herrington

Julie Brown

Dan Hodgens

Erik Hope


Girls Baseball

Al Forman


Umpire Liaison – Co-Chair

Umpire Liaison – Co-Chair

Alan McKearney

Raj Puri


High Performance– Chair





18U Chair – non-voting

15U Chair – non-voting

13U Chair – non-voting

Ryan Hall

Al Forman

Chad Giesbrecht

Marty Hall

David La Casse

Anne Hayes

Neal Dhaliwal

Marty van-der-Loos



Dan Hodgens


Coaching Development - Co-Chairs





NCCP Liaison

Alan McKearney

Raj Puri

Mike Kelly

Al Forman

David Herrington

Jeremy Jardine

Anne Hayes




Marketing – Chair




James Raymond

Ryan Hall

David Herrington

Erik Hope


Grassroots – Co-Chairs

Al Forman

Julie Brown


Risk Management

Ryan Hall



James Raymond


Challenger – Chair

Jeremy Jardine


Website – Co Chairs



James Raymond

David Herrington

Anne Hayes

Alan McKearney


Human Resources – Chair



Anne Hayes

Tina Baker-Cornett

Ryan Hall


Awards – Chair





Val Greenwood

Al Forman

Chad Giesbrecht

Mike Kelly

Marty van-der Loos


Scholarships – Chair




Abigail Wong-de Leon

Dan Hodgens

Lyndsey Hotell

Raj Puri


Tournaments – Chair




Abigail Wong-de Leon

Jaymie Humber

Alan McKearney

Veronica Vankoughnett


BCMBA Meritorious Award

Year Inducted

First Name

Last Name


















































Induction Year

First Name

Last Name















































































































Ed McKenzie – Builder

Don Brew (Ridge Meadows) – Builder


Ray Carter (Baseball Canada) – Builder

Lynn MacDonald (Kamloops) – Builder

Lorne Upsdell (Ridge Meadows) - Coach

Bob Ashmore (Surrey) - Builder and Coach

Jack Hake (South Burnaby) – Builder

Charlie Tait (Newton) - Umpire and Builder

Bill Evans (Richmond) – Builder

George Nuyens - Builder and Coach

Bobby Olszowiec (Ladner) – Builder/Umpire

Irv Heller (Summerland) - Builder and Coach

Chris Johnson – Builder/Coach

Bill Woodgate (South Richmond) - Builder and Coach

Gord Brandolini (Port Coquitlam) - Builder


Mike Hillary (Port Coquitlam) – Builder

Yvonne Bunnett – Builder

Jim Seredick (Port Alberni) - Builder

Bob Bunnett - Builder and Coach

Vicki Seredick (Port Alberni) – Builder



Walter Bird (Port Coquitlam) - Builder and Coach

Grant Allen (Vancouver) – Builder


Al Hains (North Delta) – Umpire

Nick Konno (Okanagan) – Builder

Allen Lexier (Richmond) – Umpire


Jim Smith (Surrey) – Builder

Donna Bird (Port Coquitlam) – Builder

John Berry (Burnaby) – Builder

Allan Heibert (Port Moody) – Builder



John Neimi (Coquitlam) – Coach

Diane Cook (Newton) – Builder

Marlene Heatly (Newton) – Builder


Cliff Heatly (Newton) – Builder


Debbie Burkmar (North Delta) – Builder

Allan Edge (Richmond) – Builder

Ruth Lightfoot (Richmond) – Builder

Peggy Hallgren (Maple Ridge) – Builder

Pat Wells (North Delta) - Builder

Jerry Tregaskis (North Delta) – Umpire


Charlie Hamilton (Vancouver) – Coach

Owen Hamilton (Burnaby) – Builder

City of Summerside, PEI - Builder  

Sandy Martins (Chilliwack) – Builder


Doug Rutley (Chilliwack) – Coach

Gary Sass (Newton) – Coach

Sue Wadsworth (Victoria) – Builder

Frank Pybus – Builder

Scottie Scott (Newton) – Coach, Umpire, Builder

Ozzie Chavarria (Burnaby) - Umpire/Coach

Lloyd Nelson (Rutland) – Builder

Howard Chapman (Burnaby) – Umpire


Bob Takeda (Kelowna) - Builder/Coach

Keith Hepburn (Richmond) - Umpire, Builder

Terry Fleming (Kelowna) - Builder/Coach

Al Fandry (North Delta) – Builder

Orville Germaine (Aldergrove) - Builder



John McLeod (Mission) – Builder

Richard Todd (Port Coquitlam) – Builder

Richard Lawrence (Surrey) – Builder

Maurice Restoule (Burnaby Minor) – Builder

Greg Bodnarchuk (Ridge Meadows) – Builder/Coach

Vincent Restoule (Burnaby Minor) – Builder


Warren Karsgaard (Richmond City) – Builder

John Parker (Cloverdale) – Builder


Chuck Bertrand (Gibsons/Sunshine Coast) - Umpire

Dan Hodgens - Tsawwassen - Coach

Mogens Christofferson (Van Community) - Coach

Darryl Payne - Tsawwassen - Builder

Jack Oynhart (Vancouver Community) - Coach

Wayne Bampton - Coach

Mike Kelly (North Delta) - Builder



Dan Marriott – Richmond City – Builder

Art Celuszak (Greater Victoria) -Builder

Keith Oslie – Mission Minor – Builder

Randy Cormack (South Burnaby) - Builder

Mike Davison – Mission Minor – Builder

Larry Hopwo (Chermainus) - Builder

Sonny Sangara – Van Community – Coach

Peter Buxton (North Delta) - Builder


Gord Hanly (Aldergrove) – Umpire

Brenda Davison (Mission) – Builder


Stacey Matkowski (Kamloops) - Builder

Fred Wells (North Delta) – Builder


Bob Burkmar (North Delta) – Coach/Builder

Mary McCann (Van Minor) - Builder

Frank Garnett (BCMBA) – Builder

Steve McCann (Van Minor) – Builder/Coach

Stan Baric (Kamloops) – Builder

Dave Bird (Poco) – Builder/Coach

Silvana Dodd (Surrey) – Builder

Pat Hughes (Surrey Canadian) – Builder

William Wong (Burnaby) - Builder



Seelochan Beharry (Van Community) - Builder

Lyle Lamont (Oceanside) – Builder

Derek Howells (Richmond City) – Builder

Rae Andrews (Cloverdale) – Builder

Barb Howells (Richmond City) – Builder

Margaret Andrews (Cloverdale) – Builder

Alex Klenman (Richmond City) – Coach

Marlene Keddie (Burnaby Minor) – Builder

Dan Williams (Mission) - Builder

Tony Casey (Victoria) – Builder


Andrew Grant (Vancouver Minor) – Builder

Ted Pawliuk (Van Community)-Coach

Cora Schillings (Ladner) – Builder

Teddy Pawliuk (Van Community)-Coach

Claude Schillings (Ladner) – Builder

Eric Toneff (Comox)-Umpire


Pat Phalan(Salmon Arm)-Coach

Sonya Jefferies-Ellen (Burnaby Minor) – Builder

Jerry Tragaskis (North Delta)-Umpire

John Ellen (Burnaby Minor) - Builder

Raul Verde Rios (Richmond City)-Coach

Danny Jones (Halos Girls – Kelowna) – Builder


Byron Miki (Halos Girls – Kelowna) – Builder

Pat Weatherill (Richmond City)-Builder

Ed Desjardins (Halos Girls – Kelowna) – Builder

Tom Katelnikoff (West Kelowna)-Builder

Nicole Dejardins (Halos Girls – Kelowna) – Builder

Abigail Wong-de Leon (Burnaby)-Builder

Felise Talia (Vancouver Minor) – Builder

Bill Robinson (Van Community)-Builder

Brian Davis (Surrey Canadian) – Builder

Robyn Robinson (Van Community)-Builder


Larry Walker Sr. (Ridge Meadows) – Builder

John Braaten (Cloverdale) – Builder

Ken Ramwell (Duncan) – Coach

Section 4: Previous Year Winners

2024 Provincial Champions

26U T1                        North Delta Rays

26U T2                        Vancouver Mounties

18U College Prep                Kamloops RiverDogs

18U AAA                Penticton Tigers

18U AA                Vancouver Mounties

15U AAA                Penticton Tigers

15U AA                Vancouver Community Blue

15U A                Vancouver Community Mounties

13U AAA                Abbotsford Angels

13U AA                Abbotsford Angles

13U A East                Abbotsford Angels

13U A West                Vancouver Mounties        

11U AAA T1                White Rock

11U AA                 Penticton Tigers

11U A                White Rock

11U A                White Rock

Section 5: Playing Rules and Regulations

BC Minor Baseball Rules for:

  1. All Divisions
  2. Single Season Play
  3. Spring Play
  4. Summer Play
  5. Provincial Championships

Definitions and Applications

Wherever the following terms appear in the rules:

"SHOULD" means a recommended best practice. In the event of a blatant or willful disregard for the spirit of the rule, upon review and with due process, the Board of Directors may impose a penalty or sanction on a case-by-case basis.

"MUST" means a rule which must be adhered to. In the event of any violation, a penalty or sanction applies immediately subject to appeal if permitted. In any rule where the consequences are not stipulated, the Board of Directors will determine the appropriate action on a case-by-case basis which will included (but not be limited to) fine, suspension, forfeiture, or revocation of "good standing".

Rule 1:        Membership in BC Minor Baseball

1.01        Definition of an Association as it Applies to Membership

An executive committee, officers, or sponsoring organization who have been elected or appointed to foster, improve, and govern the game of baseball in their respective communities subject to the Constitution and By‐Laws, Rules and Regulations as defined by the BCMBA and Baseball BC’s SafeSport Policies.

1.02        Annual Responsibilities of an Association

  1. An association shall apply annually for membership with the BCMBA on the membership application form furnished by the BCMBA.
  2. An association must submit a boundary description to the BCMBA as per Article XVIII (also see Rule 3).
  3. An association must submit the affiliation fees due to the BCMBA at the registered address and must bear a postmark no later than April 1st of the current year. Refer to By-Laws, Article II. Associations who do not submit their membership application form, and affiliation fees by the due date, may have the BCMBA Board bar that association, and they will not be eligible to compete in post season play.
  4. Associations must submit data for their entire registration of players including first and last name, the entire address with the postal code, gender, birth date, and division. Failure to provide this information by June 1st may result in the association being ineligible to participate in any level of summer play.

1.03        Conditions of Membership

Annual Membership is granted to each association by BCMBA, subject to the following conditions:
  1. The BCMBA, Board of Directors, has the authority, with the "Association" having the right of appeal to the BCMBA, to withdraw or refuse membership for just cause by giving written notice to the presiding officers of the "Association" as indicated by the current "Membership Application" form.
  2. Membership does not imply that in future seasons a new "Association" cannot make application for operation within a portion of the present boundaries of an existing "Association" but only that no other "Association" will be permitted to operate within the boundaries established for the current season.
  3. Members must be in good standing and maintained throughout the year.  Good standing meaning that Associations meet all requirements under Annual Responsibilities of an Association (Rule 1.02). Affiliation Fees are considered past due if unpaid for more than 30 days and all other monies to BCMBA are not more than 60 days past due.
  4. Members must have a functioning and an up-to-date website.
  5. Members may NOT affiliate with any other registered baseball organization at the same time they are a member of BCMBA, with the exception of Challenger Baseball division.  Members found to be registered with another baseball organization will immediately be suspended and ruled a member NOT in good standing, pending a final decision by the BCMBA Board of Directors.  A member not in good standing may not participate in any sanctioned BCMBA activity.

1.04         Conditions of Membership for New Associations

  1. Application: An application to join BCMBA must demonstrate a constitution, an executive and a voting membership.
  2. New Boundaries: All new associations joining BCMBA must establish a new boundary within BCMBA in consultation with BCMBA and the existing member association(s) whose current boundaries would be affected, pursuant to the terms and conditions of Rule 3.
  3. Programs Offered: All BCMBA member associations must offer BCMBA baseball programs for all age divisions for which they currently run any baseball program. New and existing BCMBA members who do not currently meet this requirement will have a maximum one (1) year after affiliating with BCMBA to comply in order to retain their BCMBA affiliation.
  4. New or existing BCMBA associations that do not offer programming at all age levels will have their catchment area at those age levels not offered be deemed open territory. Players from these areas will not be deemed imports. These players will require a release.
  5. Repealed AGM 2023
  6. Players impacted by boundary changes due to new affiliations may be permitted to remain in their former association by creation of a “grandfather” player list created at the time of new affiliation, pursuant to rule 3.02.

1.05        Right to Field Teams

Each Member Association should have the opportunity (but not the obligation) to offer all BCMBA recognized divisions sanctioned by BCMBA.

1.06        Extensions

Extensions of the date of filing of the "Membership Application" form may be considered and granted upon written application to the BCMBA In the case of new "Associations" still in the process of organization or those "Associations" renewing their memberships who are facing unusual organization problems. "Associations" may be affiliated and registered even if documents are lost in the mail providing that some responsible and informed person swears an affidavit that the documents were mailed in sufficient time.

1.07        Internal Association Dispute Resolution Process

Members must establish an Internal Dispute Resolution Process which must include a process to Appeal a decision to resolve coach, player, fan and parent concerns disputes at the member association level.

All concerns initiated by the Local Association must follow the Local Association’s Internal Dispute Resolution.  BCMBA will not become involved in internal matters of the Local Association unless requested to do so by the Association President or designate.

BCMBA may decide to become involved, if the Board of Directors deem necessary and upon notification to the Association President. See Appendix C for a sample Internal Resolution Process.

1.08        Playing Outside British Columbia

All BCMBA teams are reminded that they may not have adequate insurance coverage when playing outside of British Columbia. Teams travelling outside the province should visit BC Minor Baseball’s website for information on how to obtain insurance coverage.

1.09        Risk Management

Each association must establish a Risk Management process to comply with the following:

Every volunteer, coach, employee and/or contractor, who at any time could be expected to have direct contact with any minor aged person, must have on file with their association, the results of a valid Criminal Record Check (CRC). Compliance with this rule is the responsibility of each local association.

Note: This rule does not apply to umpires.

1.10        Independent Teams

BC Minor Baseball shall identify independent teams (defined as teams who do not belong to established leagues) who recruit and/or poach BC Minor Baseball players and declare that associations shall not play exhibition games against such teams. Independent teams identified by BC Minor Baseball shall not play in BC Minor Baseball sanctioned tournaments. An association who defies this direction shall be subject to sanctions as deemed appropriate by the executive.

Approved Ruling

BC Minor Baseball teams are permitted to play tournament games against identified independent teams in non-BC Minor Baseball sanctioned tournaments.

Not all independent teams are covered under this rule. BC Minor Baseball shall advise associations when this rule is to be applied.

1.11        Conflict of Interest Policy

All employees and volunteers of BC Minor Baseball are expected to arrange their private affairs in a manner that will prevent conflicts of interest from arising or appearing to arise. They should not place themselves in a position where they are under obligation to any person who might benefit from special consideration or favour on their part or seek in any way to gain special treatment from them. Equally, employees and volunteers should not have a pecuniary or other interest that could conflict or appear to conflict in any manner with the discharge of their duties and responsibilities.

Rule 2:        Affiliation Fees

2.01        Per Player Fees

Affiliation fees are determined as per By-Laws, Article XIII and are set as follows:

Challenger Baseball

$ 4.00 per player


$ 3.50 per player


$15.00 per player


$15.50 per player


$18.00 per player


$21.00 per player


$23.50 per player


$27.50 per player


$16.50 per player


$10.00 per coach

2.02        Per Single Season Team Fees

13 AAA, 15U AA/AAA and 18U AAA/CP Teams - $700.00

2.03        Per Summer League Team Fees (due July 1)

10U, 11U, 13U A, 15U A - $ 200.00

13U AA, 18U AA - $ 300.00

2.04        Per Zone Play (all divisions)

Teams competing in Zone play will pay a fee of $400 ($500) for a 7-team single pool round robin) to the zone host in addition to the entry fee paid to the BCMBA.

2.05        Per Provincial (all divisions)

All teams qualifying for a provincial tournament will pay an additional $750.00 entry fee to the provincial host prior to being allowed to participate. In the 11U Division, part of this fee is to cover the cost of 3rd place (bronze) medals.

Rule 3:        Association Boundaries

3.01        General

  1. Each Association will provide confirmation of their current boundaries to the Boundaries Chair no later than the BCMBA AGM for that year and BCMBA will identify all boundaries by February 1st of each year (as per Article XVIII). BCMBA reserves the right to request a boundary clarification from a member Association at their discretion.
  2. All association boundaries will be posted on the BCMBA website and sent to all member associations. In the event of any overlapping boundaries or boundary disputes, the BCMBA will seek a resolution with the affected associations prior to March 1st.
  3. It is expected that each person residing within the Association boundaries, as approved by the BCMBA will be given an opportunity to become a player candidate for the Association.
  4. Association boundaries shall be determined by the administrative directors of the Association and approved by the Association as per By-Laws, Article XVIII, Sec1.
  5. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the center of the street shall be considered the actual dividing line when streets are used as boundaries.
  6. Maps must indicate specific boundaries such as streets, railroad tracks, rivers, etc., or school districts, postal zones, city limits, or similarly specified areas. A definition of boundaries such as "five-mile radius" is not acceptable.
  7. The BCMBA, based upon the recommendation of the Area Supervisor or Committee Chairperson as the need may arise, reserve the right to adjust boundaries in the event of overlapping of territorial requests, or because of inequitable conditions.
  8. Though boundaries are not specifically restricted by population or area, both will be considered when boundaries are submitted to the BCMBA for approval.
  9. BCMBA only recognizes BCMBA boundaries, and only recognizes these boundaries for associations at the divisions in which they offer BCMBA programming. The boundaries for each age division shall be identical.

3.02        Grandfathering

BC Minor Baseball supports the concept of grandfathering as a method of resolving boundary disputes, particularly in areas where boundaries are changed. A grandfather agreement must be approved by the associations involved and BC Minor Baseball. Players included in grandfather clauses do not require a release and do not count as import players.

Rule 4:        BC Minor Baseball Competitive Levels of Play

4.01        Single Seasons

BC Minor Baseball Association will administer single season leagues and provincial championships for the following divisions:

A single season begins with games played competitively toward division standings in 13U AAA, 15U AA, 15U AAA, 18U AAA, or 18U College Prep in the month of April and ends at the Provincial Tournament.

4.02        Spring Seasons

It is the responsibility of each association to organize and administer local interlock or house leagues for spring play.

4.03        Summer Seasons

BC Minor Baseball will administer summer season leagues and provincial championships for the following divisions:


Rule 5:        Age Requirements

5.01        Cut-off Dates/Times

Age limitation cut-off date is 11:59 p.m. as of December 31st of the current year.

Exception: 18U AAA/18U CP players must be 18 years of age or younger as of August 15th and enrolled in fulltime secondary school. With approval from the Eligibility Chair.

5.02        Age by Division


Max. Age (end of year)

Min. Age (start of year)







18U (19U Girls)






15U (16U Girls)






13U (14U Girls)





















5.03        Proof of Age - Acceptable Documents

  1. Dates of birth of candidates shall be certified by either birth certificates, baptismal certificates, hospital certificates or religious/legal documents, driver’s license, Canadian Passport, or immigration documents which should be presented to a League official prior to the League's first regularly scheduled game.
  2. Photostat copies of any of the above certificates and/or documents are acceptable.
  3. Documents presented as proof of date of birth must be legible and bear the signature of an authorized official of the issuing authority.
  4. Notarized statements from parents or guardians are not acceptable.
  5. A team must carry with them to all Provincial Championships, a copy of proof of age for each member of the team. This document must be presented to the Tournament Director before each level of tournament play begins or upon request of an opposing Team Manager, Coach or Business Manager.

5.04        Overage Players

Any over aged player who lacks the baseball ability due to a physical handicap may play in one lower age division at the discretion of the Association President or Player Agent providing:
  1. The Association applies in writing to the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair providing full particulars.
  2. Written approval has been obtained from the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair. If written approval is not obtained, the player will not be eligible to play.
  3. Overage players will not be permitted to pitch.
  4. Overage players will not be permitted to play summer.

5.05        Permanent Move Up        

Any under-aged player who has the baseball ability may play in one higher age division at the discretion of the Association President or Player Agent provided:
  1. The Association applies in writing to the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair providing full particulars.
  2. Written approval has been obtained from the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair prior to June 1. If written approval is not obtained the player will not be eligible to play in a higher division.
  3. Only 9U player(s) that an Association moves up to 11U for the Spring Season are eligible to participate at any level of 10u/11u Summer Season.
  4. Only 9U player(s) that an Association moves up to 11U for the Summer season only, may participate only at the 10U level. (8U not included)
  5. Once a player is approved for a Permanent Move Up, they will be allowed to pitch and be governed by the rules/limits of the division they are approved to play in.
  6. If all the above conditions are fulfilled the player can play at the level (AAA, AA, A) that they are able to qualify for within the division they have been approved to play in.

5.06        Temporary Call Up

The maximum number of games a player may play in an older age group is to include league and/or exhibition and/or tournament and/or Summer League (including Zone Tournament) will be as follows:


5 games plus one tournament at the 10U and/or 11U level only

10U & 11U

3 games plus one tournament at the 13U level only


4 games plus one tournament at the 15U level only


8 games at the 18U level only


12 games at a higher level

Approved Rulings:

  1. Players being called up will not be allowed to pitch except 18U may pitch in 26U. Pitching within a division is allowed (i.e. 15UA to15UAA)
  2. Movement within a division (i.e. 18U AA to 18U AAA/CP) will be interpreted as movement up for the purposes of this rule.
  3. The word 'play' in section 5.06 above is interpreted to mean taking an offensive or defensive position in the game.
  4. Games played on an integral part of the Baseball Canada National program, National Youth Team and B.C. Select Team programs are not considered when determining the number of games played in a higher age group.
  5. If a player exceeds the number of games allowed as defined in rule 5.06 above, the player cannot return to their age division for the balance of the year, including all league, playoffs, zone, and provincial competition. The Association may be subject to a penalty of up to $250 per game played up to be determined by the British Columbia Minor Baseball Association Board of Directors.

5.07        Overage Players for 18U AA

Overage players will be permitted within the 18U AA Division (Spring Season only) provided the following is adhered to:

  1. Overage players must be eighteen (18) years of age on January 1st of the current baseball season.
  2. Overage players must receive written permission from BC Minor Baseball, before being allowed to participate.
  3. Each team will be permitted a maximum of two (2) overage players per team, if required to achieve a roster of fourteen (14) players
  4. Overage players are not permitted to participate in Summer Baseball
  5. Overage players will not be permitted to pitch.
  6. Overage players cannot have played 18U AAA, 18U College Prep or Premier in the previous season.

Rule 6:        Player Eligibility – Release Procedure

Note: Rule 6 does not apply to 18U AAA (see Rule 7.07)

6.01        Residence Eligibility

  1. Only persons of eligible age whose residence, as determined by the residence of their parents or legal guardians, or by school records, is within the boundaries determined by the Association and approved by the BCMBA shall be eligible for active participation in the Association. If residence is not in an area that is currently covered by a BCMBA Member Association, then a player desirous to play in BCMBA will be permitted to play in any association.

  1. For purposes of clarity, in the event of disputed residence eligibility, eligibility is determined as follows:

Firstly, by parent’s address (As defined below)

Secondly, by the legal guardian's address (As defined below) 

  1. The parents’ usual residence when parents live in the same house, or if one of the parents is deceased, the usual residence of the surviving parent.
  1. In cases where parents do not live in the same residence, the legal residence is the usual residence of the parent having         legal custody of the player or if both parents have legal         custody, the usual residence of the parent with whom the player usually lives; or again, if the player lives equally with both parents, the place of residence shall be determined by the Player Eligibility Chair.
  2. When legal custody has been granted to a third person, the usual residence of that person.

NOTE: the term "usual residence" is defined as four (4) out of seven (7) days.

NOTE: In the application of the above, the term "legal custody" and/or "legal guardian" refers to the granting of custody as determined by a Court of Law in one of the following circumstances:

  1. the application of the Divorce Act,
  2. in the case of an order enforcing or recognizing a legal separation agreement,
  3. loss of parental authority,
  4. when it is deemed the child’s development is compromised,
  5. when both (2) parents are deceased,
  6. married, or the equivalent of married.

Thirdly, by the address on the school records.

  1. Residence eligibility may be challenged and if so, the family would need to provide proof of residence as to satisfy the definitions listed or proof of schooling.

  1. Any association may grant a player who resides within their association’s boundaries a release for any reason. A player granted a release may register in any other association on a yearly basis but remains a free agent and is not obliged to continue with the new association or return to the association where they reside. Should the player granted release move to the catchment of another BCMBA association, they are again bound by the residency requirements of the association where they now reside unless granted a release by that association.

6.02        Permission to play in an association outside the boundaries of residence.

A candidate who resides within the boundaries of an association and desires to play baseball in another association may do so providing the Association of residence does not provide, either on its own or in combination with another Association, the level of play that the candidate is capable of playing i.e. The Association of residence provides a (A or AA level within a division but the candidate is capable of playing at an AA or AAA level). The player must apply for Preliminary Try-Out Approval by completing the try-out approval form. With approval from the presidents of both their home and tryout Associations. The home association president will confirm if the try-out level is being offered or not and forward the email to the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair, cc’ing the player/family and the try-out association. BCMBA will have 7-10 days to approve/not approve the application.

The following expedited procedure shall be followed:

  1. The player’s residential Association shall declare in writing that it will have no level of play that the candidate is capable of playing in the player’s age division for the current season.
  2. Should the player be selected for a AA or AAA team, they shall process an Application for Player Movement to remain at the new Association for the current season only.
  3. All players must first register with their residential Association. Should an Association fail to have sufficient players to form a team in the divisions in question, it may release the players to another Association(s) that will accept them.
  4. No player movement shall take effect until approved by the Player Eligibility Chair. In order for this paragraph to apply, the candidate must make the roster of a team in another Association at the higher level. If the candidate is not successful in making a team roster at the higher level, they will return to the Association of residence.

6.03        Obtaining Releases

  1. Written approval, in the form of the BCMBA Player Movement form must be obtained from the ruling Association executive in the event that a candidate is desirous to play within the boundaries of another Association. (All documentation must be legible, avoid the use of photos. Digital signatures are accepted). The BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair, upon due consideration of the player’s reasons for moving, may grant the player’s release to another Association.
  2. The completed Player Movement Form agreed to and signed by two association presidents must be submitted to the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair for approval. This release shall not be considered valid until an approved copy of the release has been returned to the Receiving Association by BCMBA. Therefore, players to whom this paragraph applies will not be considered as properly registered until the Receiving Association has the properly completed and the approved Player Movement Form signed by the BCMBA Eligibility Committee in hand. Refer to paragraph 1 above.
  3. It is the responsibility of the ruling Association executive to ensure that candidates qualify to residence eligibility. Failure to comply with the above noted rules will cause the said player to become ineligible for All-star selection in any age division or Association affiliated with the BCMBA.
  4. A player released to an association to try out for a higher-level team, not offered by the releasing association, who does not make the team, must return to the releasing association.
  5. The Player Eligibility Chair of BCMBA is in place to deal with any “appeal” situation where the family of the affected player feels there is some hardship in this decision, and they are deserving of further consideration. Extenuating circumstances would of course be an “Appeal” by the family to have the child play with another Association because of some personal hardship.
  6. The Player Eligibility Chair shall have the authority to refuse any application for player movement, giving cause. The Chairperson shall advise the affected Association President by email or writing of the decision, outlining the reasons for refusal, within 48 hours of the decision. A copy of the Chairperson’s letter shall be forwarded to the player’s parents. Where an application is rejected due to lack of information and the applicant or the Association is able to provide the Committee with additional information, the Committee will re-evaluate the application within 7 days of receipt of the additional information.
  7. Should an Association use any player prior to approval of that player’s Application for Player Movement or Preliminary Try-Out Approval from the Player Eligibility Chair, including allowing the player to participate in training camps or practices, or playing the player in any game, such Association shall be fined a minimum of $200.00 per player, as well as be subject to suspension. The team officials or any coaching staff who knowingly allows players who have not be properly approved to play or practice with their team involved shall be subject to a suspension of not less than 30 days. A fine under this clause shall not exceed $3,000.

However, with the exception of Residential Moves an Association may allow a player, whose Application for Player Movement is "Subject to Approval" from the Player Eligibility Chair to practice ONLY with the proposed new team/Association. The player will not be able to participate in exhibition, tiering/regular season, or tournament games until approval from the Player Eligibility Chair has been granted. Should the application be denied, then the player would return to his/her old Association.

An Application for Player Movement shall be considered "Subject to Approval" when the following conditions have been met:

  1. The Application for Player Movement form and all relevant supporting documentation is in the hands of the Association President, and
  2. The Association President has faxed or emailed the completed Application for Player Movement to the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chairperson. The original Application for Player Movement including appropriate fees and supporting documentation must be immediately forwarded to the BCMBA Office.
  1. The Player Eligibility Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and two other persons appointed by the BCMBA Executive Committee. The Player Eligibility Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson, as required by the volume of Applications. The Committee shall deal with an application within 10 days of acceptance of a properly completed application.

Procedure: In each instance where it is proposed that a player be registered with an Association other than the one they were last registered with that player shall comply with the procedure described below:

  1. A BCMBA Application for Player Movement form shall be utilized.
  2. The player and the player’s parent(s) shall acknowledge by means of signatures their acceptance of the BCMBA By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations, prior to making an application for player movement.
  3. The player must then obtain a player movement approval from the Association where they reside, indicated by the signatures of the Association president (or, in his/her absence, vice-president) on the application form.

Note 1: Such a release shall be effective as of the date the application for player movement is approved for the period specified under rule 6.05.

Note 2: A player movement granted contrary to Rule 6 of these Rules and Regulations, or to the appropriate boundary Regulations, shall be invalid. An Association granting such a release shall be subject to fine or suspension at the discretion of a majority of the BCMBA Executive Committee.

Note 3: Any refusal to grant player movement may be appealed to the Player Eligibility Chair of BCMBA)

  1. The player shall next obtain an indication of the willingness of the proposed new Association to accept him or her, as indicated by the signature of the following Association officer: president, or in his/her absence vice-president.

Note: An Association indicating willingness to accept a player when the resulting player movement would be contrary to this Section or to the boundary Regulations shall be subject to fine or suspension at the discretion of a majority of the BCMBA Executive Committee.

  1. The completed Application for Player Movement Form shall be submitted to the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chairperson and shall be held for consideration by the BCMBA Player Eligibility Committee. No player movement shall have effect until approved by the Player Eligibility Chair.
  2. An incorrectly submitted or incomplete Application, as determined by the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair, may not be dealt with by the BCMBA Executive Committee. Further, no application may be approved unless the resulting player movement would be specifically allowed in this Section or in the boundary regulations.
  3. No application shall be considered without the consent of both the player and the player’s parent(s).
  4. Player movement applications shall be considered only if received at the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair, by the following dates: (No "AA" or "AAA" Team in the Association Division.)

Single Season-April 1st

Spring Season-April 1st  

Summer Season July 1st 

6.04        Completing an Age Division

A player who changes addresses and moves outside the boundaries of their current association is permitted to continue playing for their previous association until they reach a new age division.

6.05        Release Dates

A yearly release shall be in effect as of the date the application for player movement is approved for the period of January 1st through October 31st. A Summer release is for the Summer Season only.

Player Movement must be signed by the Presidents of both Associations and the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chairperson

  1. Single Season Teams: on or before April 1st.
  2. For Spring Leagues: on or before April 1st.
  3. For Summer Leagues: on or before July 1st.

PLEASE NOTE: Releases received after the above date(s) may not be approved.

Rule 7:        Single Season Procedures: 13U AAA, 15U AA, 15U AAA & 18U AAA

7.01        Declaration Dates

Associations playing in either division must provide, via the Association President, written notice to BCMBA Division Chair by February 1st for 18U AAA/ 15U AAA and February 28th for all other Single Season divisions except for 13U AAA with a declaration date of March 1st. (Except for the Interior and North regional associations that may have negatively affected registrations due to extreme weather.)

Such notice will include those persons authorized to make decisions for the teams regarding schedule, travel requirements, etc.

Any withdrawal from 15U AA 15U AAA & 18U AAA commitments after March 7th will result in a $500.00 assessment for the association. Associations not fielding teams at the start of the season may not field one in the summer.

Note: There are no rules that require associations to field teams in either single season AAA league except 13U AAA. (See Rule 8.08) Withdrawal from the 13U AAA commitment after March 15th will result in a $250.00 assessment for the association. Interior and North region associations withdrawal will result in a $250.00 assessment for the association 14 days after declaration.

7.02        Submission of Rosters

Single season teams must submit a roster to the BCMBA director for that division prior to April 1.

Associations will be allowed to have a maximum of three (3) out-of-catchment players at the 15U AAA, 15U AA and 13U AAA level.

7.03        Roster Changes

Any player, including those who have played in other leagues, may be added to a roster prior to June 1.

Approved ruling:

For the purpose of this rule the word “leagues” is interpreted as Little League, Premier League, Babe Ruth, etc. The word “association” is interpreted as Coquitlam-Moody, Rutland, Cloverdale, etc. Players from other leagues can be added to rosters prior to June1st. Players from another association cannot be added as they do not meet the release deadlines.

A final roster must be submitted by July 1. During the month of June only players currently registered in an association (i.e. A or AA players) may be added to a single season roster. Any changes to the roster must be clearly indicated on the final roster.

In the 18U AAA/CP division only players who have at least one year of 18U eligibility remaining beyond the current playing season may be added to the roster after June 1 and prior to July 1.

Injured players may be replaced as per Rule 9.09.

Rosters must be produced as per Rule 9.10.

Approved Ruling (does not apply to 18U AAA):

Players added to a roster between June 1st and July 1st must have registered within the association by June 1st. A player cannot be registered for baseball on June 20th, be added to a spring A or AA roster for a short period of time, and then added to the AA or AAA roster prior to July1st.

7.04        Deletion of Players from Roster

Any player on a single season roster may drop down to the A or AA level until June 1 of the current playing season. (one level drop only)

7.05        Player Eligibility – Provincial Championships

Any player meeting these roster deadlines is eligible to play in the provincial championships and is not required to play 50% of his team’s games.

7.06        Number of Players

13U AAA ,15U AA, AAA teams shall not be comprised of more than 15 players.

18U AAA teams shall not be comprised of more than 18 players.

7.07        Boundaries: 18U AAA ONLY

Rules 6.01 to 6.05 shall not apply at the 18U AAA level. In the case of a player wishing to try out for a 18U AAA team and his residence is not located within the boundaries of such association, the receiving association and/or player shall notify in writing both the association wherein his residence lies and the 18U AAA Coordinator, at least five (5) days prior to the player practicing or playing with the receiving association.  Failure to comply with this provision will result in the receiving associations being fined $200.00 for each player in which proper notification was not given. In order to be eligible to play in Provincial Championships, a player must be registered prior to June 1.

7.08        Required Rest

In the case of double headers there must be a minimum of forty-five (45) minutes rest between games.

Rule 8:         Spring Play

8.01        Player Eligibility

  1. Each person residing within the Associations boundaries, as approved by BCMBA, is eligible for player selection for that association.
  2. 13U, 15U A and 18U AA Spring teams can have a maximum of 3 players who do not reside within the boundaries of their Association on their roster.
  3. REPEALED 2024 AGM

8.02        Notice of Tiered Intentions

Associations operating a tiered system in any division must provide written notice to BCMBA of their intentions, clearly indicating the division, number of teams to be tiered at each level (AAA, AA, A), and the interlock they intend on competing in. This written notice is due to the BCMBA 14 days prior to the start of the regular season.

Note:        Associations operating a TIERED (“AAA” “AA” and “A”) structure must fully understand the numerous options which could come into play when structuring their divisional Leagues and ultimately the formation of summer teams.

8.03        Violations

Tiered associations who do not comply with Rule 8 will not be eligible to compete in post season play in the age division in which the violation has occurred.

8.04         5U

Tiered teams not permitted.

8.05         7U

Tiered teams not permitted.

8.06        9U

Tiered teams not permitted.

8.07        11U

Associations are allowed to tier internally, provided they do not play in league games or tournaments outside of their association for the spring season. Programs such as MSET and Prospects are permitted, however, associations may not do both tiering and the MSET or Prospect programs. Teams may participate in MSET or Prospects tournaments, provided their association has offered this program in the spring.

Associations must notify BCMBA of their intentions, by April 1st, before the start of each spring season.

8.08        13U

Tiered teams permitted.

Registered players must be divided through a common draft and created as evenly as possible. Associations with multiple 13U AA teams must submit supplied president signed rosters by April 1st each year to Division Chair.

Number of players

Min ‘AAA' Teams

Min ‘AA' Teams

Max ‘A' Teams

1 - 50




51 - 74




75 – 125




126 - 149




150 or more




Note 1: Associations must field a 13U AAA team if their numbers are 75 or more. Associations are encouraged to field more than the AA minimum teams as noted above where able.

Note 2: Associations with 150 or more players can apply to the committee for an exemption to have only 1 AAA team based on:

  1. Assessment results from a professional assessor
  2. Prior year’s results at the 13UAAA and AA levels (can be supplied)
  3. Prior year’s results during 11U summer ball (if applicable)

8.09        15U:

Tiered teams permitted.

  1. Associations fielding 15U A teams must apply to the BCMBA by March 15 stating the number of teams they intend to field.
  2. Associations with more than 60 players after the formation of the AAA team will be expected to field one (1) 15U AA team and any number of 15U A teams.
  3. Associations with more than 72 players will be expected to field at least two upper-level teams (15U AAA or AA).  Associations not complying with this rule will not field any level of 15U teams in the summer.
  4. Any association fielding two or more teams at the 15U A or AA level will divide their registered players through a common draft and create their teams as evenly as possible.
  5. 15U AA Single Season will be tiered to Two (2) levels, Associations that already have declared a 15U AAA for a Single Season will be placed into Tier Two (2) level for a 15U AA team from same Association. Associations placing only a 15U AA team for a single season will be placed into Tier One (1) level. Division Directors may move teams between the Tiers when considering constraints due to field availability, number of teams, travel, and requests from Associations or other from time to time.

8.10        18U: Tiered teams permitted.

Associations may choose to field any number of AAA or AA teams.

Rule 9:        Summer Play Procedures

9.01        Player Eligibility

  1. For purposes of summer ball all Spring Season “AA” players are eligible to play “AAA’ or “AA”. Spring Season “AA” players may not play in “A” summer ball without prior approval of the Division Chairperson (Note - No “A” player will be replaced by a “AA” spring player). Associations which choose not to tier their spring league and are required to field a “AAA” team due to the number of players they have registered must then field a second team at the “AA” level before they will be permitted to field an “A” team.
  2. To be eligible to play in summer play and Provincial Championships competition a player must:
  1. Be a registered player in an Association’s spring program.
  2. Be listed on the “Team Registration Form
  3. Have participated in at least one-half (1/2) of their team’s games in the Division Spring League represented to be eligible for summer ball, unless in attendance at school (boarding), or unless injury or illness prohibited them from playing (Doctor’s certificate required).
  4. Have participated in one-half (1/2) of their team’s summer league or zone schedule to be eligible for provincial tournament competition unless injury or illness prohibited them from playing (Doctor’s certificate required).

Exception: A player who has played one-half (1/2) of their team’s games above who may have moved within the boundaries of another Association, during the current season, will be eligible for tournament competition with the Association with which they were initially registered.

A player may play on only one tournament team in a calendar year at the same level.

9.02        Right to Participate

Each affiliated Association in good standing is eligible to participate in post season tournament competition.

9.03        Declaration Dates

Each Association wishing to enter a team into post season play (summer league, zone or provincial) must submit their intention in writing to BCMBA prior to June 15 and must submit their all-star entry fee for each team to BCMBA by July 1.

Any Association, who commits to playing in a summer program and withdraws from the league after July 1st, may be fined $250.00.

9.04        Number of Teams Required

Associations must field teams for summer play at the appropriate level based on the size of the association or associations which merge. All-girl team registration numbers will not be included when determining co-ed tiered teams for summer play.

  1. 11U and 10U Summer Play
  1. For 11U AA and AAA, players cannot be 12 by December 31st of the current playing year.  For 10U players cannot be 11 by December 31st of the current playing year.
  2. Only 11U registered players who have played in the 11U Division Spring League play may participate.
  3. AAA shall be for those teams composed of 11U players, in any age combination for Associations having 96 or more registered players in the Spring Season. (Second team may participate in AA, a fourth team is eligible for A competition if an 10U competition team is fielded).
  4. AA shall be for those teams composed of 11U players, in any age combination for associations having either:
  1. 49 - 95 registered players in the Spring Season. (may compete in AAA competition with a third team allowed to compete at AA competition if an A competition team is fielded), or
  2. 49 - 83 registered players in the Spring Season. (may compete in AAA competition with a second team allowed to compete at A competition).
  1. AA shall be for those teams composed of 11U players, in any age combination for Associations having less than 49 registered players in the Spring Season. (may request to compete in AAA competition).
  2. 10U shall be for those teams composed entirely of 1st year 11U players under 10. No 2nd year players shall be allowed on these teams.
  3. For any 11U summer team, a request may be made to the 11U Chair to have the team evaluated in consideration of playing in an appropriate level other than the one Rule 9.04(A) places them.
  1. 13U Summer Play
  1. In this division teams for summer ball will be determined based on their association’s division spring registration as follows:
  1. 150 or more registered 13U players – such associations must field two (2) balanced “AAA” teams.
  2. 75 or more registered 13U players – 1st team must be AAA
  3. 51-74 registered 13U players – 1st team must be AA in the summer.
  4. 1-50 registered 13U players – 1st team must be A in the summer.
  1. Repealed 2024 AGM
  2. Associations must field one (1) AAA team if their numbers exceed 75 registered players in 13U.


  1. These numbers form the basis for team placing for Summer Allstar teams and are to be used as a starting point only.
  2. Associations may apply to move up or down depending on their situations year by year. Some examples of moving down would include but are not restricted to:
  1. Low registration of second year players.
  2. Poor turn-out of their “All-star” caliber players for summer play.
  3. Overall lack of talented players in a given year.
  1. Directors of the 13U Division shall review each application individually and make their recommendations to the BCMBA Board of Directors for approval. The 13U Directors will research the applications and make their recommendations based on the following:
  1. Spring interlock performance.
  2. Tournament Results.
  3. The 13U Director’s own observations throughout the year.
  4. Feedback from other associations during inter-locking.
  1. The BCMBA Directors will make a ruling on each case no later than June 22nd each year.
  2. The 13U Directors for BCMBA may also request for an association to “play up” despite having numbers to the contrary. This request would be based on the following:
  1. Spring interlock performance.
  2. Tournament results.
  3. The 13U Director’s own observations throughout the year.
  4. Feedback from other associations during inter-locking.

In case of a 13U/AA team being requested to play 13U/AAA, the team would be required to enter the 13U/AAA Wild Card Tournament and earn a Provincial Berth, similar to a Zone Tournament. If the team is not successful, they will not be permitted to participate in the lower tier.

  1. For the purpose of determining an Association’s numbers the following criteria shall apply:
  1. Organizations must include all registered 13U players to determine the number.
  2. Associations merging for summer play must include all 13U players from the merging Associations to determine numbers. NOTE – a merger for this purpose shall remain more than three players.
  1. In the event an Association chooses not to field a team in the division specified by BCMBA then all efforts shall be made to provide the opportunity for as many of their players to play summer ball as possible.
  2. Associations who tiered in the spring will be permitted to field an “A” Allstar team regardless of whether they first entered an “A”, “AA”, or “AAA” team provided that all their players come from with-in their regular season “A” team roster(s).

Any remaining “AA” or “AAA” players may be released to adjacent associations to try-out for teams at that level. Those releases must be done before July 1 each year.  

  1. 13U summer ball teams can have a maximum of three players who do not reside within the boundaries of their association on their roster.

Players who reside in open or neutral territory count towards out-of-Association numbers.        

  1. 15U Summer Play

Associations may field any number of 15U A teams.

The 15U Directors for BCMBA may also request an Association to “play up” despite having numbers to the contrary.  This request would be based on the following:

  1. Spring Inter-Lock Performance
  2. Tournament Results
  3. 15U Director’s own observations throughout the year and feedback from other Associations during the year.
  4. 15U A Summer teams can have a maximum of 3 players who do not reside within the boundaries of their Association on their roster.

In the case of 15U A team being requested to play 15U AA, the team would be required to enter the 15U AA Wild Card Tournament and earn a Provincial Berth, similar to a Zone Tournament.  If the team is not successful, they will not be permitted to participate at the lower tier.        

  1. 18U Summer Play

Associations may field any number of 18U AA teams.

  1. Girls Baseball Summer/Single Season Baseball Affiliated with Baseball BC
  1. For Summer/Single Season Play the Girls 16U team affiliated with Baseball BC shall not be subject to Player movement forms.
  2. For Summer/Single Season Play the Girls 16U team players shall be permitted to be on two (2) rosters during season and playoff games.
  3. For Provincial Play the Girls 16U team will submit an approved roster no later than 7 days prior to games commencing directly to Division Chair.
  4. The 16U Girls team will be allowed to have up to have up to 25 players making up the team for Summer/Single Season play.
  5. The 16U Girls team final approved roster for Provincial play will consist of no more than (15) fifteen players and coaches for Provincial Play.
  6. If an over age female player 14/16 year-old plays spring ball at the older age division, they may not play summer ball at the younger age division for the summer.

Example: A female player aged 14/16 years old plays spring ball at the older division, 15U/16U, in summer they may not play down in the 14U/15U division for summer ball. Playing down a division in spring with the intention to play in said division for summer is acceptable as per Rule 5.02 (Age Requirement)

9.05        Release of Players/ Mergers

An Association who is unable to field their own all-star teams may release their players to join other Associations for all star play, subject to receiving prior approval from BCMBA

To constitute a merger the release of players from one association to another shall be:

  1. 10U – four or more players.
  2. 11U – four or more players.
  3. 13U – four or more players.
  4. 15U – merger by request otherwise Rule 6 applies.
  5. 18U – merger by request otherwise Rule 6 applies.

BCMBA will use the following criteria to evaluate the request:

  1. Has the merging association played in an interlock basis during regular season?
  2. What is the size of player pool represented by the merging Association?
  3. Applications for merged teams must be received by BCMBA no later than June 1 (or the first Tuesday regular BCMBA meeting). If the application has not been received prior to June 1 the associations may not be allowed to merge for post season play.

The philosophy in allowing merged teams is to provide for smaller Associations who might not otherwise have an all-star team to join with another Association to establish an opportunity for more players to participate in post season play.

Note: When applying for a merger the number of players in the pool will determine the level of play to be entered (ie AA or AAA).

For the purpose of Single Season leagues (13U AAA, 15U AA, 15U AAA & 18U AAA) merger requests are to be submitted 7-days prior to the Single Season withdrawal deadline for the respective BCMBA Divisional Chair & BCMBA Secretary.

18U College Prep is exempt.

9.06        Number of Players

All players must be registered with an Association player agent.

  1. Each team in the 15U and 13U divisions may be comprised of a maximum of fifteen (15) uniformed players. There is no minimum number required.
  2. Each team in the 18U division may be comprised of a maximum eighteen (18) uniformed players, with the exception of the 20U girls who would have a maximum of 25 uniformed players. There is no minimum number required.
  3. Each team in the 11U & 10U divisions must have a minimum roster of 12 players. All players in attendance at a game must play and be on the line-up card.
  1. During summer league play teams may play with less than 12 players in the event of player unavailability.
  2. During a Provincial Championship teams must begin the tournament with a minimum of 12 players present and on the line-up card. Failure to begin the tournament with 12 players present, and on the line-up card, will result in the team being disqualified from the tournament.
  3. In the event that a player becomes injured or ill during the Provincial Championship the BCMBA Director must be notified and be satisfied that the injury or illness is legitimate. Under special circumstances the BCMBA Director may request a doctor’s note. In the event a player has religious convictions (ie. cannot play Sundays) the BCMBA Director must be informed prior to the beginning of the Championship.
  4. If a team drops below 12 players during the Championship for other reasons the BCMBA Director may disqualify the team or apply another penalty, such as an automatic out, at the Director’s discretion.
  5. In the event that a team’s roster drops below 12 players during the summer league (injury, illness, player quits, etc.) the team must immediately inform the Division Chair who will determine how to proceed. Every attempt must be made to replace the player and return to a 12-player roster. Teams are encouraged to carry 13 player rosters to avoid problems with this rule.

Note: Exceptions may be permitted to this rule for individual league requirements with BCMBA Executive approval.

9.07        Number of Coaches

Each team may be comprised of any number of coaches who must be listed on the team roster. Other than a bat boy who must be registered to the association for insurance purposes no other individuals will be permitted on the field or bench.

Team travelling to Western or National Championships may be restricted to three or four coaches by those governing bodies.

9.08         Submission of Summer Rosters

Each team entering summer play must complete an official BCMBA team registration form (available online). 

  1. The name of the player shall be listed exactly as it is shown on the player’s birth certificate or other acceptable document, in its entirety. EXAMPLE: “Arthur Roger White” NOT “Art White” or “A.R. White”.
  2. Each Association President shall confirm the eligibility of the players on the tournament team representing the Association by signing the roster form.
  3. All coaches assigned for summer league rosters for 13UAA and 18UAA must submit their NCCP credentials to the Division Director by June 15th. All Summer League rosters must be submitted to the Division Director by July 1. Failure to supply the roster on time may result in the association’s ineligibility to complete in post-season provincial play downs.

9.09         Roster Changes

  1. Once the team registration form has been submitted to the BCMBA no change can be made on the player roster except for illness of, or injury to, the players listed.
  2. Any replacement of a player on the tournament team for reasons of injury or illness to the player must be supported and dispersed as follows:
  1. Written certification from the attending physician and Association President as to the conditions necessitating the replacement.
  2. The original statement or statements MUST BE attached to the first copy (original) of the Eligibility Affidavit and carried with the team to all future tournament competition games.
  3. Statements, as required in Rule 9.09, must be sent to the BCMBA Director responsible for the administering the summer division.
  4. If a selected player leaves the team and is replaced by an alternate player, the replaced player may not be returned to the team roster. However, when going to the Western Canada Tournament or National Tournament, the replaced player may be re-acquired as one (1) of the pickup players.
  1. The replacement player must have played for the team’s association during the spring season. Replacements from other associations are not permitted.

If the replacement player is not on a summer roster, they must have played at an equal or lower level within the same age division during spring play. For example, a 15U AA team may use a replacement from 15U AA or A. The replacement player may be on another summer roster of a team at a lower level within the same age division in the same association. In this case, when added as a replacement player, the player shall be deleted from the other roster and may not be re-added at a later date. If an association has two summer teams at the same divisional level (for example: two 13U AA summer teams) the replacement player cannot come from the other team at the same level.

9.10        Producing Rosters

It is basis for protest when the Business Manager, Manager or Coach of a tournament team fails to present the Team Registration Form and Birth Certificate or documents and entry fee cheque (or cash) at the scheduled pre-tournament coaches meeting or at least thirty (30) minutes before scheduled game time when requested to do so by the Tournament Director or a BCMBA representative, or the Business Manager, Manager or Coach of an opposing team. The failure to produce the documents shall result in a $500.00 fine and the team may be disqualified from the tournament.

9.11        Summer Season Move-up and Move-Downs

  1. Any player who desires to move-up a division or move-down a division must apply in writing through their member Association President or Player Agent to the BCMBA Eligibility Chairperson providing full details.

  1. There is no deadline for this application as players may wish or need to move during the summer season (i.e.: injury).

  1. Summer Season Move-ups are not considered Permanent, see Rule 5.05.

  1. Summer Season Move-ups or Move-Downs are for the Summer Season only.

  1. Summer Season Move-ups are not eligible to Pitch as they have not pitched at the higher division distance and have been subject to a lower pitch count.

  1. Summer Season Move-Downs
  1. Are not eligible to pitch as their development may be dangerous to the players in the lower division.
  1. Summer Season Move-downs shall not displace lower division players.
  2. Summer Season Move-downs shall be from the A (house) level of the higher division. (i.e.: 18AA to 15UA, 15UA to 13U, 13A to 11U, 11U to 9U)

  1. A copy of the approval from the BCMBA Eligibility Chair must always accompany the team roster and the player playing down must have been added to the official roster that must also be signed by the member Association President.

Rule 10:        Managing and Coaching

10.01        Age

        Managers and coaches should be of the legal age of nineteen (19). However, in the event underage managers and coaches are to be utilized, the Association executive must satisfy itself that these managers and/or coaches display the necessary qualifications to be in full control of their team.

10.02        General

  1. Two coaches may be used on the baseline as base coaches.
  2. Should only one coach be in attendance, only eligible players in uniform may be used as the other base coach or as coach.
  3. A coach or coaches may not switch coaching boxes during an inning.
  4. Players, managers, and coaches must remain in the dugouts, on the benches or in the prescribed areas throughout the game.
  5. Cell phones are not permitted to be used on the field during play.
        Note: Cell phones may be used in the dugout/bench area to obtain medical attention for emergencies and other non-game related purposes.

10.03        Field Decorum

        Managers and coaches must display leadership, and sportsmanlike conduct, at all times.

10.04        Number of Coaches

        There is no limit to the number of coaches that may be on a roster. However, the number of coaches allowed on a line up card for a Zone qualifier or Provincial Championship is four (4). If a team has more than four (4) coaches on their roster prior to a Zone qualifier or Provincial Championship, they must declare the four (4) that will attend as official team coaches.

Rule 11:        Coaching Development and Training

11.01        Coaching Development

BCMBA will develop, provide and access coaching initiatives from year to year correlated to BCMBA programming generally. As it evolves year to year, programming may or may not require certification. Costs and coaching program outlines for the coming season will be established and provided by BCMBA to the Affiliated Associations prior to the Annual General Meeting each year.

11.02        Coaching Certification

BCMBA Post-Season, Coaches and Manager Certification


11U (ALL)

11U Trained

13U A

One coach 13U Trained all other coaches 13U in training, including but not limited to Coach Initiation in Sport & Coach Initiation in Baseball (Fundamentals) online modules

13U AA

One coach 13U Certified all other coaches 13U Trained


Two coaches 13U Certified all other coaches 13U Trained

15U A

One coach 15U Trained all other coaches 13U in training, including but not limited to Coach Initiation in Sport & Coach Initiation in Baseball (Fundamentals) online modules

15U AA

One coach 15U Certified all other coaches 15U Trained


Two coaches 15U Certified all other coaches 15U Trained

18U AA

One Coach 16+ Certified all other coaches 16+ Trained


Two coaches 16+ Certified all other coaches 16+ Trained

18U College Prep

Two coaches 16+ Certified all other coaches 16+ Trained

All Coaches – Safe Sport eLearning is mandatory. 
Westerns and Nationals Certification: Teams travelling to Western Canadian or National Championships must have the prescribed number of certified field staff as defined by Baseball Canada. Failure to have this certification will result in BCMBA, in conference with the affected association, replacing non-certified field staff with certified field staff.

Note: Zones are defined as any series of games that leads to the Provincials, Westerns or Nationals

Rule 12        Participation in Non-Affiliated Leagues or Associations

12.01        Playing in other baseball programs.

Players selected for any Association team in accordance with provisions set forth in the "Player Selection Plan" adopted by the local Association will prohibit any player from participating on any team in another baseball program. The primary purpose of this rule is to prevent any possible injury to a young ball player, particularly in the case of pitchers.

        Approved Ruling: A baseball team/program attached to a public or private educational institution (school) is not interpreted as a baseball program for the purpose of this rule.

Exception: 15U AAA players may practice with PBL programs at the discretion of their home association when that association chooses to establish a relationship with one (or more) PBL programs for the purpose of player development.

Approved Ruling: Playing in any exhibition, tournament or league games is not permitted.

12.02        18U AAA Exceptions

  1. An 18U AAA player may be on the roster of one 18U AAA Team.
  2. A player on an 18U AAA Team Roster may not play 18U AA at any time.
  3. A player on an 18U AA Roster may play on a call-up basis at 18U AAA. Should that player play more than five games (league, exhibition, tournament, other) at 18U AAA in one calendar month, they may not return to 18U AA at any point in the season. A player on an 18U AA Roster may not play in the 18U AAA provincials.
  4. REPEALED 2024 AGM
  5. REPEALED 2024 AGM
  6. That any 18U age player, not presently registered with a BCMBA Association may be used at the 18U AAA level, for a maximum of 4 games, prior to June 1st. For players who have at least one year of 18U eligibility remaining beyond the current playing season this date will be extended to July 1.
  7. Associations must notify BCMBA Division Chair prior to the game being played when a call-up is being used from the PBL franchise.  Failure to notify BCMBA may result in a $200 fine per player and per offence.
  8. A maximum of two (2) players that are not presently registered with a BCMBA Association may be used per game.

Associations would need to ensure proper insurance coverage is in place. For tracking purposes coaches are required to inform the BCMBA director responsible for the 18U division when a player is used under this rule. Failure to make this notification will result in a $200 fine.

12.03        Process for violations

Any member of BC Minor Baseball (coach, local association executive, etc.) upon learning that a player is actively playing in another baseball program must immediately inform BC Minor Baseball.

BC Minor Baseball will immediately conduct an investigation into the allegation in consultation with the local association. BC Minor Baseball may choose to indefinitely suspend the player during this investigation if there is evidence to support the allegation.

Should BC Minor Baseball determine that a player is in violation of Rule 12 the BC Minor Baseball disciplinary committee shall determine the applicable consequences. These consequences may range from a warning to the player becoming ineligible for the remainder of the playing season, depending on the circumstances. A player in violation of this rule will not be considered an illegal player under rule 27 for the purpose of forfeiting games. BC Minor Baseball will only consider retroactively forfeiting games in which the player participated in, while also playing in another program, if there is evidence to demonstrate the association or team coaches had previous knowledge that the player was in violation of rule 27 before allowing the player to participate in their program.

12.04         Challenger Baseball

  1. Associations are permitted to charter teams with BC Challenger Baseball.
  2. Participants in BC Challenger Baseball may have dual affiliation limited to BC Minor Baseball and BC Challenger Baseball.

Rule 13         Conduct for Managers, Coaches, Players, Parents and Spectators

13.01         Jurisdiction

        BC Minor Baseball (BCMBA) is committed to providing an environment in which all
        individuals are treated with respect. BCMBA supports equal opportunity and prohibits
        discriminatory practices. Participants are expected to always conduct themselves in a
        manner consistent with the values of BCMBA.

The Rule Book extends to all Local Sport Organization (LSO) events, meetings, and gatherings where baseball is the focal point of the assembly. This includes but is not limited to games, tournaments, practices, places where people watch as a spectator, and off-field conduct during team sanctioned road trips. Participants are subject to sanctions according to BCMBA Discipline Policy for engaging in any of the following behavior:

  1. Not complying with the rules, regulations, or policies of BCMBA.
  2. Deliberately disregarding the Rules of Baseball, as amended from time to time.
  3. Verbally or physically abusing an opponent, officials, Umpires, spectators, or sponsors.
  4. Showing disrespect to officials, including the use of foul language and obscene or offensive gestures.
  5. Abusing playing equipment or playing area.
  6. failing to comply with the conditions of entry of an event including any rules regarding eligibility or advertising.  
  7. Anyone at any age using tobacco, cannabis, non-prescription drugs, or alcoholic products on-field at any BCMBA sanctioned competition.
  8. Any other unreasonable conduct which brings the game into disrepute.
  9. Any violation of the Baseball BC Safe Sport Policies.

The BCMBA Code of Conduct shall govern all disciplinary matters to the extent that it conflicts with or augments the Code of Conduct of any association. BCMBA reserves the right to adopt and amend polices and rules within the Rule Book as required for the safety of all participants.

13.02         Player, Coach, Parent and Spectator Expected Behavior

  1. Players, managers, or coaches engaging or persisting in conduct or actions unfavorable to the spirit, principles and objectives of good sportsmanship may, if the Umpire deems it appropriate, receive one warning from the Umpire. If the offense or offenses continue, offender or offenders will be removed from the game.  
  2. Parents and spectators attending BCMBA sanctioned events are expected to role model appropriate behavior for the youth players competing on the field. When conflict situations occur, parents and spectators are expected to resolve the conflict appropriately. Players, coaches, and Umpires have the right to participate in the game without being subjected to abuse or distractions from outside the playing field.  
  3. Examples of unacceptable behavior include but are not limited to showing disrespect to Umpires, opposing players, coaches, parents, and league administrators. This includes taunting, insulting language, angry outbursts, gestures, and physical aggression. Coaches are expected to make their best efforts to ensure these expectations are met by their parents and supporters. Any parent or spectator that fails to meet these expectations may be asked to leave the area surrounding the field by the coach and, or the Umpires.
  4. The Umpire may speak directly to the individual being asked to leave or may choose to have the appropriate coach communicate this decision to the parent.
  5. If a parent or spectator refuses to leave the area surrounding the field the Umpire may suspend the game without making any judgment as to the final score, which will be determined by the BCMBA. Any BCMBA Director may request that a parent or spectator leave the area surrounding the field of play as per the requirements of Rule 14.
  6. The BCMBA shall review reports submitted in writing regarding unacceptable behavior and may contact the affected member Associations as deemed appropriate and, or issue discipline as warranted.  

13.03         Prohibition of Cannabis, Tobacco, Alcohol and Non-Prescription Drugs

  1. Non-Prescription Drugs, whether lawful or unlawful, and alcohol are always prohibited on the playing field from the warmup, during game play, and the equipment clean up after the game.
  2. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted at BCMBA sanctioned games.
  3. Coaches, players, managers, parents, spectators and Umpires, or any Official must not use cannabis, tobacco products including smokeless tobacco or e-cigarettes on the playing field. If anyone is found using of any of the above-mentioned items, they will be ejected from the game by an Umpire or Official.  
  4. Coaches, Players, Managers, Parents, Umpires, or any Official must not be on the playing field, benches, dugouts, or any areas within the boundaries of the playing field while in possession of or impaired by any legal or illegal substance.  

13.04         Travesty of the Game

  1. This rule will apply to all BCMBA sanctioned games, with particular emphasis in tournament situations. Travesty of the game is defined as an attempt to intentionally lengthen or shorten a game or manipulate the score of a game by any means that has players “not playing to win”. This would include batters or runners obviously attempting to make outs, pitchers obviously trying to miss the strike zone when pitching and fielders obviously trying to make errors. The penalties for making a travesty of the game will be the ejection of the Head Coach.
  2. This rule may be enforced by the Umpires or a Tournament Director. The game will be defaulted and if the travesty continues during a tournament, disqualification of the team from the remainder of the tournament. Written reports by Umpires will be forwarded to the BCMBA Discipline Chair as soon as practically possible. Additional sanctions may be levied by the BCMBA Discipline Chair at any time and may extend to the players involved.  

13.05         Artificial noise makers

        Artificial noise makers, including but not limited to air horns, cow bells, thunder sticks,
        and bottles filled with rocks, are not permitted to be used by players, coaches, and
        spectators. Umpires may show discretion by advising the person using the device to
        stop. If the conduct continues and the Umpire believes that the device is interfering with
        game play the Umpire may eject the spectator using the device.

Communication Process and Procedures between Coaches, Players and Umpires During Gameplay

13.06         Communication at 13U and Younger Age Groups

Before, during or after a game coaches or players may not approach an Umpire for any reason except that they may:

  1. Attend the plate meeting.
  2. Request the Umpire to call “Time.”
  3. Raise a safety concern.
  4. Approach the Umpire to make a substitution on defense or offence.
  5. Request the plate Umpire to ask their partner for help on a half swing when the plate Umpire calls the pitch a ball, but not when the pitch is called a strike. The plate Umpire will consult with the other Umpire for a determination which will be final.
  6. Approach the Umpire to protest a game based on an interpretation of the Rule of Baseball on terms as set out in this Rulebook. (No protests are allowed at 11U and younger divisions.)  
  7. Shake the Umpires hands post game.
  8. Thank the Umpires and or offer words of encouragement.

13.07         At 13U and Younger Age Groups Coaches or Players at any time may NOT:

  1. Argue any Umpire’s decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out.
  2. No player, manager, coach, or substitute shall object to any judgment decisions.
  3. Players leaving their position in the field or on base, or managers or coaches leaving the bench or coaches box, to argue on BALLS AND STRIKES will not be permitted. The Umpire shall immediately eject any manager, coach, player, or team representative that continues to approach an Umpire after their decision has been made.
  4. Harass or verbally abuse any official on the field of play before, during or after any game. Contravention will result will be the person being ejected from the game subject to further possible discipline by BCMBA.
  5. If the manager comes out to argue with first or third base Umpire on a half swing they may be ejected as they are now arguing over a called ball or strike.  

13.08         Communication at 15U and Older Age Groups

  1. No player, manager, coach, or substitute shall object to any such judgment decisions related to any Umpire’s decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out. The Umpires decision is final.
  2. Players leaving their position in the field or on base, or managers or coaches leaving the bench or coaches box, to argue on BALLS AND STRIKES will not be permitted. The Umpire will warn them if they start for the plate to protest the call. If they continue, they will be ejected from the game.  
  3. If a manager has reasonable doubt that any Umpire’s decision, excluding judgement calls, may be contrary to the rules, the manager may request to approach the Umpire to and ask that a review of the ruling be made. Such request shall be made only to the Umpire who made the decision. The Umpire may reject a review.
  4. If the Umpire permits the review of the decision, the Umpire making the decision may ask another Umpire for information before making a final decision. If the Umpires consult after a play and change a call that had been made, then they have the authority to take all steps that they may deem necessary, in their discretion, to eliminate the results and consequences of the earlier call that they are reversing.
  5. This includes placing runners where they think those runners would have been after the play, had the ultimate call been made as the initial call, disregarding interference or obstruction that may have occurred on the play; failures of runners to tag up based upon the initial call on the field; runners passing other runners or missing bases; etc., all in the discretion of the Umpires.
  6. No player, manager or coach shall be permitted to argue the exercise of the Umpires’ discretion in resolving the play and any person so arguing shall be subject to ejection.
  7. A manager is permitted to ask the Umpires for an explanation of the play and how the Umpires have exercised their discretion to eliminate the results and consequences of the earlier call that the Umpires are reversing. Once the Umpires explain the result of the play, however, no one is permitted to argue that the Umpires should have exercised their discretion in a different manner.
  8. Nothing set out in section will prevent the right to protest under any other Section of this Rulebook.
  9. The manager or the catcher may request the plate Umpire to ask their partner for help on a half swing when the plate Umpire calls the pitch a ball, but not when the pitch is called a strike. The plate Umpire will consult with the other Umpire for a determination which will be final. On a half swing, if the manager comes out to argue with first or third base Umpire and if after being warned if they persist in arguing, they can be ejected as they are now arguing over a called ball or strike. The ball is live on appeal of a half swing, there is no stoppage of play.
  10. Players, Coaches and Managers may request the Umpire to call “Time” or raise a safety concern.
  11. Coaches, Players, and Spectators may not argue any call by making comments to a third party, make any gesture or comments that shows public disagreement with an Umpire’s decision. Contravention will result in the person being ejected from the game.  

13.09         Prohibited Recruiting

  1. Coaches or associations may not recruit players who reside in another association’s boundaries. Recruiting is defined as any communication with a family regarding another program and, or the opportunity to play in another program. Players who reside in open territory may be recruited.    
  2. If and association does not field a team at the AAA level their players may be contacted about opportunities to play in another association at that level only.
  3. When an association cuts player from their 15U AAA team these players may be contacted by other 15U AAA teams about opportunities to play in other associations at that level only. It is the responsibility of each coach to verify (through email) that the player has been cut from the other association’s 15U AAA team prior to any recruiting occurring. This verification could be in email form. Coaches are to cut players in writing, so players/parents can forward this email as confirmation to other coaches they wish to speak to.  

Suspensions and Procedures for Appeals

13.10        Power to Suspend with Corresponding Discipline

The BCMBA disciplinary committee shall have the power to suspend any coach, manager, parent, or other team official violating the provisions of Rule 13. This committee will investigate as they deem appropriate and will communicate their decision to the individual being suspended and the LSO association President.  Any decision made by the disciplinary committee may be appealed through the appeal process outlined in Rule 16. A suspension will be held in abeyance until the appeal is heard.  

13.11         Suspensions for Serious Misconduct

Suspensions for physical contact or any serious misconduct between any Manager, Coach, Player, Umpire, Parent, Fan and, or Other Official, or the use of illegal players in any instance deemed severe enough by the BCMBA President or delegate, will not be held in abeyance until the appeal is heard. All suspensions must be served during any Regular Season game, Post Season game, Provincial Championship game and, or Championship Tournament game.  

13.12         Automatic Suspension

If a member of the coaching staff and, or a player is ejected from a game, excluding a Provincial Championship, they may not participate in their next scheduled game. If a member of the coaching staff or a player is ejected from the first game of a “Double Header” they may not participate in the second game. Invitational Tournament games and Exhibition games do not count in any suspension to be served.  

13.13        Suspensions, Discipline Process and Procedures

The BCMBA Discipline Chair will receive an ejection report or allegation of misconduct from the Umpire and, or Complainant. The Discipline Chair will read the written report from the Umpire and, or Complainant.

The BCMBA Discipline Chair will review and forward the ejection report and the allegations of misconduct to the BC Minor Division Chair or Director for that division and the affiliated LSO President. The LSO President will forward the ejection report and, or allegations of misconduct to the person indicated in ejection report or allegations of misconduct.

  1. All discipline files will be handled by means of written submissions.
  2. The BCMBA Discipline Chair may determine that an Oral Hearing is required. If required, a neutral location will be determined by the BCMBA Discipline Chair. All Oral Hearings will be heard by a minimum of three (3) BCMBA Board of Directors and, or representatives appointed by the Discipline Chair.
  3. If granted BCMBA will be responsible for all expenses related to the Oral Hearing. When the BCMBA Discipline Chair requests an Oral Hearing, a decision will be rendered within forty-eight (48) hours. Oral Hearings may be held over electronic means to ensure timely and fair process while avoiding travel and costs. The discretion belongs to the Discipline Chair.
  4. Any player or spectator who is ejected from a game is automatically suspended for one additional game minimum. If the Discipline Chair believes an ejection or misconduct requires more than an automatic suspension due to elevated inappropriate misconduct the Discipline Chair will notify the LSO President in writing of the finding. The Discipline Committee Chair may review the incident, make a finding, and issue an appropriate suspension corresponding to the misconduct. This may be issued in games or for a length of time.
  5. If the Discipline Chair believes an incident or ejection requires more than the mandatory suspension due to serious misconduct the Discipline Chair will notify the LSO President in writing of the finding. The Discipline Committee Chair may review the incident, make a finding, and issue an appropriate suspension corresponding to the misconduct. This may be issued in games or for a length of time.

13.14        One Game Suspensions

  1. One game suspensions will include infractions that are made without malice or ill-intent. They include:
  2. An ejection for arguing balls and strikes or an ejection for arguing a call on the field of play.
  3. A single incident of a disrespectful, offensive behavior directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators, and sponsors.
  4. Unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing.
  5. Basic non-compliance with the rules and regulations under which BCMBA events are conducted.
  6.  Any violation related to the tobacco prohibition.

13.15        Two Game Suspensions

  1. Covering any base or Home Plate with dirt, removing any equipment from the field of play, or throwing any object, or any otherwise excessive disagreements while arguing balls and strikes or arguing a call on the field of play.
  2. Repeated incidents or disrespectful, offensive behaviour, or any abusive comments or behavior directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators, and sponsors.  
  3. Repeated unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts.
  4. Sustained non-compliance with the rules and regulations under which BCMBA events are conducted.  

13.16         Three Game Suspensions

  1. A second suspension after a one or two game suspension.
  2. Coaches at the 13U Age and under who are ejected for arguing balls and strikes or an ejection for arguing a call on the field of play as in Rule 13 above.
  3. Arguing with or mocking an Umpire off the field of play. This includes but is not limited to parking lots or change rooms, or the concession stand.
  4. Any abusive, racist, or sexist, comments or behavior.
  5. Activities or behavior which interfere with a competition or with any athlete’s preparation for a competition.
  6. Pranks, jokes, or other activities which endanger the safety of others.
  7. Deliberate disregard for the rules and regulations under which BCMBA events are conducted, whether at the local or provincial level.
  8. Use of alcohol.
  9. Any violation related to the prohibition of Cannabis, Alcohol and Non-Prescription Drugs.

13.17         Five Game Suspensions

  1. Any suspension after a three-game suspension.
  2. REPEALED 2024 AGM
  3. Any physical contact with an Umpire or other game official.

13.18         Extraordinary Misconduct and Discipline

  1. The BCMBA Discipline Chair may remove a Coach, Player, or LSO Official until further notice where they believe any of the following conduct has occurred:
  2. A Coach, Player of LSO Official knows or is a party to a player participating under an assumed name, or has falsified an affidavit or roster, or is giving false information to tournament officials.
  3. A player or coach is knowingly participating while ineligible.
  4. A player, coach or LSO Official is knowingly competing with or against players who have been disqualified.
  5. Any use, promotion or possession of banned performance enhancing drugs or methods.
  6. Any serious misconduct that creates an unsafe environment for participants within the game of baseball.

Should a Coach, Player, or LSO Official be removed the onus is on them to demonstrate why they should be allowed to return. The Coach, Player, or LSO Official may appeal pursuant to Rule 16.

13.19        Confirmation of Suspension and Disciplinary Measures

In the case of the BCMBA Discipline Chair levying any suspension under Rule 13 the BCMBA Discipline Chair or applicable BCMBA Division Chair or Director will make a written request by email to the appropriate Member Association President and request confirmation by the member Association President that the specific discipline has served.

13.20         Disciplinary Direction for Corrective Measures

The purpose of this Rule Book is not solely to be punitive. LSO’s, Coaches and Players need to learn the Rule Book and abide by required conduct. Where the Discipline Chair deems it appropriate, the Discipline Chair may direct an LSO Official, Coach, Player, or Spectator to:

  1. Undertake a recommended Conflict Resolution Process.
  2. Conduct Training as required to facilitate safe play.
  3. Complete a review of any required section of the Rule Book.
  4. Complete a written apology.

13.21        Provincial Championship

Discipline ejections of a coach, manager, player, parent, or other team official during a Provincial Championship do not carry an automatic suspension at any level of play and are instead reviewed by the BCMBA Director in charge of the Championship who will determine if a suspension is warranted. The BCMBA Director has the authority to use this process during a provincial championship to investigate any incident to witnessed or dealt with by the Umpires.  The following disciplinary process will be used:  

  1. The BCMBA will receive a written ejection report from the Umpire.  
  2. The BCMBA Director, which may also include the Umpire in chief, will meet in private with the ejected individual and one other team official.  
  3. The ejected individual will have an opportunity to read the Umpire’s report and provide his perspective to the BCMBA Director.  
  4. The BCMBA Director will then determine whether further discipline is warranted and will advise the Head Coach of the decision in private.    
  5. The BCMBA Director has the power to issue a suspension for the duration of the Provincial Championship. Should a BCMBA Director feel a further suspension is warranted they will refer the matter to the BCMBA Disciplinary Committee at the conclusion of the tournament.  

13.22        Appeals

Any portion of Rule 13 may be appealed pursuant to Rule 16.

13.23        Other Oversight Boards

Notwithstanding anything in Rule 13 or within the Rule Book, should BCMBA decide to have a superior oversight board administer discipline, or should a superior oversight committee decide to administer discipline, that process will supersede Rule 13 and the Rule Book. The process will not be duplicated as to form any part of double punishment or for two sets of jeopardy for one person who is the subject of the discipline.

Rule 14:        BCMBA Director Power to Intervene

14.01        Power to Intervene.

In the event that at any BCMBA sanctioned event an elected BCMBA director feels that an umpire(s) have allowed a manager, coach, player, or parent to persist in violating the BCMBA Code of Conduct, without taking appropriate actions, the Director may identify himself to the participants and issue one warning to the offenders, in consultation with the umpire(s). If the offences continue and the umpire(s) do not act, the Director may remove the offender(s) from the game.

This authority will be extended to any tournament director or umpire supervisor at any BCMBA sanctioned tournament hosted by a local association and to local association executive members at any BC Minor Baseball sanctioned event. In the case of local association executive members, they will only have the authority to take action against participants from their association. The purpose of this rule is to assist younger, possibly inexperienced umpires, in enforcing the Code of Conduct in the best interests of the game.

14.02        Reporting

Should 14.01 be used as so indicated a written report must be filed with the governing League body and a copy forwarded to the Board of Directors of BCMBA outlining the following:
  1. Names of teams and coaches involved.
  2. Name of umpire(s).
  3. Offender or offenders involved.
  4. Violations that occurred and actions taken.
  5. Recommended action, if any, to be taken.

Rule 15:        Sponsorship & Fundraising

15.01        Standards

Teams or Leagues should be sponsored only by those organizations, firms or companies whose activities or products are not detrimental to the welfare of youth. Specifically, no firm or company whose advertisements reflect the sale of tobacco products shall be permitted to sponsor the program, League or team or be permitted to display any form of such advertising in connection with the program.

        Any advertising provided by firms or companies reflecting the sale of alcoholic         beverages would need to be approved and deemed to be acceptable and         responsible by         the BCMBA Board.

Failure to comply with this paragraph will result in the association being liable for a $250.00 fine.

15.02        Fundraising

The BCMBA may seek the help of outside fundraising sources when deemed prudent whether for itself or for affiliated associations.

Rule 16:        Appeals

16.01        Appeal Process

  1. An Appeal may be made by a coach, an Association, or a parent (when it involves the eligibility of their child) and must be received by BCMBA President from an Affiliated Association President within 48 hours of the Affiliated Association President having received the original ruling from BCMBA
  2. Upon receiving an Appeal, the BCMBA President will form an Appeal Committee consisting of three directors, including a Chair from the Executive Committee who was not directly involved in the original decision.  The President may appoint himself to this committee.  This committee will investigate the appeal and will render a decision in writing within four days.
  3. In exceptional circumstances, the President may choose to have the entire board of directors hear an appeal through an email or telephone vote or at the next scheduled meeting.  The decision to this is at the sole discretion of the President.
  4. In case of an Appeal of discipline to a player, coach, or parent, the individual may request a hearing.
  5. Any decision made by a Director or Committee of directors may be appealed in writing by Affiliated Association President to the BCMBA President.  An Appeal may also be made when a director fails to respond to or decide, when required, within a reasonable amount of time.
  6. Any decision made by the entire board of directors is final and cannot be appealed.
  7. An appeal may be based on:
  1. Process
  2. An alleged misinterpretation or misapplication of a rule 
  3. An alleged error in findings 
  4. In the case of discipline, the severity of the consequence
  1. Appeals should clearly state the basis for an appeal. Appeals that simply disagree with the original decision will be denied.
  2. In the event an appeal is denied the association shall be invoiced a $100 administration fee. An appeal must be filed with an email confirmation from the association president confirming the association is supporting the appeal with the $100 deposit. In the case of parents/legal guardians appealing a player eligibility decision association approval is not required and the deposit is paid directly to BC Minor Baseball by the parent/legal guardian.
  3. BCMBA. If Affiliated Associations disagree with a decision made by an umpire affiliated with the BCBUA with regard to an ejection, the Affiliated Association shall deal directly with BC Minor Baseball Umpire Association. Any communication by the Affiliated Association with the BCBUA should be copied to the BCMBA Umpire in Chief.

Rule 17:        Umpires

17.01        Use of Carded Umpires

A ‘carded’ umpire means the umpire is a current member of BCBUA.  An umpire who is not a member of BCBUA. will be referred to as a “staff” umpire.

It is “strongly recommended” that only Level 2 (or higher) carded umpires be used for all games in 13U and higher divisions during all Spring League, Summer League, Single Season, Tournament and Provincial Championship games.

It is “strongly recommended” that only Level 1 (or higher) carded umpires be used for all games in 9U and 11U divisions during all Spring League, Summer League, Single Season, Tournament and Provincial Championship games.

No youth umpires may officiate games in their same age division, only in lower (younger) divisions. For example, 15U aged umpires may only officiate in 13U and lower divisions.

17.02        Number of Umpires

It is required that at least two umpires be used in all games in 11U and higher divisions during all Spring League, Summer League, Single Season, Zone Tournament and Provincial Championship games.

It is recommended that two umpires be used in all games in the 11U and higher divisions during the season. In the event that an insufficient number of umpires are present or that staff umpires are present or that staff umpires are used, the game will proceed.

17.03        No Umpires

When no umpires arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time of the game the teams may agree on replacement umpires. If the teams do not agree the game is called. If the game is called it will be made up at the grounds of the visiting team to offset their inconvenience. If only one umpire shows the game will proceed.

17.04        Parent/descendent as an umpire

Unless EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES PREVAIL, it is strongly recommended that any parent or descendent, whether designated official or staff, not umpire in any capacity in any game in which their descendent is participating. Should the requirements of this rule need be circumvented it is strongly recommended that a "Waiver of Protest" be signed by the opposing managers or coaches agreeing to the use of the said parent or descendent as an official or staff umpire.

Rule 18:        Playing Field Dimensions

18.01        Specific Dimensions by Division







Distance Between Bases

50 feet

60 feet

60 feet

70 feet

80 feet

90 feet

Distance between home plate and rubber

36 feet

42 or 46 feet

46 feet

48 feet

54 feet

60 ½ feet

Batters Box

3 x 6

3 x 6

3 x 6

3 x 6

3 x 6

4 x 6

Foul lines




200-225 (lines)

225-260 to CF

245-270 (lines)

280-300 to CF

285-320 (lines)

320-400 to CF

Height of pitcher’s mound

6 inches

6 inches

8 inches

10 inches

18.02         Fence Top Markers

Any fence top marker band on any outfield fence is considered part of the fence and therefore, part of the playing field.

If a ball hits any part of the outfield fence, including a top marker band and goes over, it shall be a home run, unless the ball hits the ground first, in which case it shall be a ground rule double. If a ball hits the marker band and bounces back into the field of play, the ball shall be considered to be in play.

Rule 19:        Equipment

19.01        Athletic Support/Cup

It is recommended that League officials make every effort to ensure that all players wear an athletic support with cup.  It is mandatory that catchers wear an athletic support with cup in all divisions.

19.02        Helmets

        Batters, on deck batters, base runners, players used as base coaches or bat people in all age categories shall wear double ear flap helmets which give protection to the temple, ears, base of skull and top of head.
        Skull caps and wraparound head gear are not to be used by any player as so defined.

For divisions 13U and younger all player helmets must have a chin strap or have been manufactured with a C-flap (chin protector) and not contain the snaps for a chin strap.

19.03        Catchers Equipment

It is mandatory that full catchers' helmets or skull caps shall be worn by all catchers, in addition to a normal chest protector, shin guards, face mask - with throat protector - and athletic supporter with cup.
Catchers in all age categories must wear a protective helmet and mask while catching in practice and warm-up situations such as bullpen or between innings.  
Coaches must wear at least a mask in all practice and warm up situations.  Associations not enforcing this rule will be subject to a fine as determined by BCMBA.

19.04        Bats

  1. 7U: 30 inch, 2 5/8 inch max diameter, unlimited length/weight drop – bats with greater than 2 ¼ in. barrel diameter must be marked “USABB or stamped with BPF 1.15” (Bat Performance Factor)
  2. 9U: 30 inch, 2 5/8 inch max diameter, unlimited length/weight drop - bats with greater than 2 ¼ in. barrel diameter must be marked “USABB” or stamped with BPF 1.15” (Bat Performance Factor)
  3. 10U & 11U: 32 inch, 2 3/4 inch max diameter, unlimited length/weight drop - Must have "USSSA 1.15 BPF (Bat Performance Factor)" stamp OR "USA" Stamp
  4. 13U: 32 inch, 2 3/4 inch max diameter, -10 max length/weight drop, marked BPF 1.15” or “USABB” 
  5. 15U A/AA:  2 3/4 inch max diameter, max -10 weight to length ratio, composite, aluminum or wood combination.
  6. 15U AAA: 10 max length/weight drop, Wood, Bamboo or Wood Composite
  7. 18U AA: -3 max length/weight drop and marked “BBCOR.”
  8. 18U AAA/College Prep: Wood, Bamboo or Wood Composite

Wood, bamboo, and wood composite bats are permitted in all divisions.

Wood composite bats include wood bats with fiberglass sheathing and wood barreled bats with composite handles.

19.05        Ball

The ball must weigh not less than five nor more than five and one quarter ounces avoirdupois, and measure not less than nine or more than nine and one quarter inches in circumference.
A soft or resilient ball is recommended for 7U and 9U.

19.06        Uniforms

7U and 9U – Sweater with distinctive number and cap.

All players, coaches and team managers are not permitted to wear any clothing other than described in the following articles for games.

All other divisions – Conventional baseball uniforms including a shirt, pants, and socks.  Coaches must wear at least a team cap in Spring season play.

Managers or coaches occupying a coach’s box, must be dressed in full uniform except that they will be allowed to wear matching pullovers, cage jackets or warm-up jackets and colour coordinated long pants.


Coaches and Managers found not to be adhering with this rule will not be allowed on the field during the game.

19.07        Footwear

Metal cleats are not permitted in 7U, 9U, 10U & 11U, and 13U.

Metal cleats are permitted at 15U and 18U provided they are not sharpened or pointed.

19.08        Gloves

        It is recommended that all players wear fingered fielder’s gloves.

It is mandatory at the 11U division and higher that catchers wear a standard catcher’s mitt.

It is recommended that at 13U and higher first baseperson wear a “trapper” glove.

19.09        Bases

At the 10U and 11U levels, it is recommended that the use of a safety base at first base be used during the Spring and Summer seasons.  It is recommended that the use of post or pin design be used to prevent accidental slippage of the base. These bases are available at most sporting good suppliers.

Rule 20:        Scheduling Games

20.01        Spring League

Scheduling and rescheduling of Spring Season games shall be the responsibility of the associations.

20.02        Summer League

Scheduling and rescheduling of Summer League and Provincial Championships shall be the responsibility of the officers and executive committee. The BCMBA will appoint a director or group of directors to administer each single season, summer season league, or summer season zone.

The director(s) must make the following information available to all teams prior to the start of play:

  1. A complete schedule
  2. A policy for rescheduling games and schedule changes
  3. A rule for the calculation of final standings (points or percentage)
  4. A format for how many teams qualify for provincials.
  5. A format for provincial seeding and grouping
  6. A procedure for breaking ties in final standings
  7. A policy for the prompt reporting of scores

20.03        Zone Play

  1. The draw will be made by the BCMBA Division Chairperson. The draw will be decided by chance and the results given to the tournament chairperson prior to the zone meeting which must be held by the hosting Association.
  2. Game starting times must be agreed upon by all concerned. Once agreed upon, times should not be changed except when necessitated by bad weather or darkness.
  3. Should a team drop out after the draw has been completed with less than 24 hours before the commencement of the tournament, then that team shall be considered to forfeit its scheduled games with the draw remaining unchanged.
  4. All rules that apply specifically to provincial championships will also apply to zone tournaments. The Division Chairperson or designate assumes the role of Tournament Director whether onsite or accessible by phone.

20.04        Provincial Championships

Scheduling and rescheduling of Provincial Championships shall be the responsibility of BCMBA in conjunction with the host committee.

All tournaments leading to the selection of Provincial champions shall usually be ‘round robin’ format.  The Board of Directors of BCMBA is allowed, at its discretion, to apply a different format on a case-by-case basis with cause. BCMBA to advise participating teams, no later than the pre-tournament meeting, of the reason for the change from ‘round robin’.

Provincial Play-Offs

In the event the hosting Association’s representative team should be the winner of the Zone or Summer, it should enter the Provincial Play-Off as the Zone winner and the runner-up from the Zone shall enter the Provincial Play-Off as the host team.

In the event the hosting association does not have a representative team in the Provincial Play-Offs it will automatically be entitled to field a “Host” team.  This team must be the identical team which represented the Association in the Zone Play-Offs and subject to Rule 9 in its entirety.

Draw will be made by the Board of Directors, BCMBA and not the host association. The BCMBA division director will set the draw pools based on format by the BCMBA Board of Directors.

Game start times may be established by the hosting Association by the BCMBA divisional directors must give final approval.

20.05         Provincial Schedules - Round Robin Format

Divide 8, 10 or 12 teams into two pools (A & B). Method used to divide teams into pools to be determined by BCMBA Should a situation arise where two or more teams from the same Association qualify for the round robin tournament BCMBA will place those teams in different pools as long as the pools do not become unreasonably unbalanced in talent (does not apply to single season leagues).

Teams within each pool to play each other once.  The first and second place teams in each pool advance to the semifinals.

The draw for the semifinals is:

Pool A winner versus Pool B runner up.

Pool B winner versus Pool A runner up.

The home team in the semi-final games shall be the winner of each pool.  The home team in the championship game shall be decided by the flip of a coin.  The winners of the semifinals play for the championship.

PLEASE NOTE: Schedule formats are guidelines only and may be modified to local conditions with the approval of the BCMBA Division Director. See Appendix A for samples.

20.06        Maximum Number of Games per Day

League Play – Under no circumstances can a team be expected to play more than two games in a calendar day.

Provincial Championships

Under no circumstances will a team be expected to play in more than two (2) complete games in one calendar day except that they may have to complete a suspended game and then play two (2) more complete games in a calendar day. If, upon playing the remaining innings of the suspended game, the game took four (4) or more innings to complete, then the team will play only one (1) more completed game that calendar day.

Exception 15U and 18U

During the Medal Round (this includes Wild Card) teams will be permitted to play three (3) complete games in one calendar day.

20.07        Required rest between games (applies to Provincial Championships only)

There must be a minimum of one (1) hour rest between games, in all 11U, 13U, 15U and 18U divisions.

Rule 21:        Obligation of Scheduled Games

21.01         League / Zone / Provincials

All teams participating in a single season format, a provincial tournament (summer leagues, zones or finals), Western Canada Tournament, or National Tournament are obligated to play all games as scheduled and to participate in all scheduled events including pre-tournament meeting and skills competitions.

21.02        Exhibition / Invitational Tournaments

Exhibition games and invitational tournaments entered are secondary to BCMBA scheduled games. Entry into exhibition and invitational tournaments require approval as per Article XV. Any change to a BCMBA scheduled game requires the approval of both teams and the BCMBA director of the division.

21.03        Forfeit Fine

Failure to participate in a scheduled game or event (i.e. opening ceremonies) will result in the offending team’s Association being fined $500.00 per game or may result in a $500.00 fine per event by BCMBA.

21.04        Rain Outs (Single Season and Summer League)

All rainout games between same zone teams (ie Vancouver vs Chilliwack / Victoria vs Nanaimo or Kamloops vs Kelowna) must be made up. The game must be rescheduled within 48 hours of the rainout and the makeup date forwarded to Division Director, so the schedule can be updated. Games that are not made-up will count as a ‘forfeit” for both teams.

Rainouts that involve travel for island/interior teams to the mainland or for mainland teams to the island/interior are difficult to makeup. Therefore, the following policy will apply.

  1. If the game was postponed prior to the away team travelling (for example, before Victoria got on the ferry) the game will be made up.
  2. If the away team travels and the game is rained out the game will be made up. The game will be rescheduled by BCMBA Director and Division Chair in conjunction with teams within 48 hours of original date of game.

Rule 22:        Administration of Games

22.01        Length of Game

        7U                        75 minutes

        9U                         6 innings

        10U                        6 innings

        11U                         6 innings

        All other divisions        7 innings

22.02        Extra Innings

  1. Single Season Leagues – All games will be played to completion playing as many extra innings as necessary. If a tie game occurs, the game must be played until a conclusion. Games will continue to be played following baseball rules for the first and second additional inning. If the game continues to result in a tie, the third additional inning and all other innings played (to complete game) will follow the international Baseball Tie Breaking Rules (as per Baseball Canada Rule Book)

  1. Tie games will only be accepted when called by the umpire due to darkness, rain, or park curfew. (Note: A park curfew must be announced by the home team prior to the game).

  1. Summer Season Leagues – Games tied after one extra inning will be declared a tie game.
  2. Spring Season leagues and local association tournaments will adopt their own rules for tie games.
  3. During a Provincial Championship or zone tournament all games will be played to completion. There will be no tie games.


In the 11U division ONLY if the score is tied after 6 innings one extra inning shall be played. If the game is still tied the game shall be declared over and the game declared a tie. This rule does not apply to semi-final or final games which must be played until a winner is declared.  The extra inning will be an open inning.

22.03        Called Games

If a game is called for rain or darkness, it is an official (complete) game if five innings have been completed or if the home team has scored more runs in four or four and a fraction half-innings than the visiting team has scored in five completed half-innings.
If a game is called after it is an official game for another reason (light failure, fights, serious injury, etc.) the league director will determine whether the game is completed or whether it is suspended and should be completed as such.

22.04        Suspended games

If a game is called for any reason before it is an official game (as described in Rule 22.03), it shall be considered a suspended game and is to be resumed from the point of curtailment.

22.05        Official Games called during an incomplete inning.

When a game is called during an incomplete inning the score reverts back to the end of the last completed inning.

Exceptions: In these cases, the score is final at the point the game is called:

  1. If the home team takes or re-takes the lead in the bottom half of an incomplete inning
  2. If the home team was trailing at the end of the last completed inning and ties the game in the bottom half of an incomplete inning
  3. If the home team has scored more runs in its portion of the incomplete inning than the visitors

22.06        Called Games in a Provincial Championship

If in a Provincial Championship, a game is halted before it is an official game or if a regulation game is halted when the score is tied, or in an incomplete inning, it shall be considered a suspended game and must be resumed from the point of curtailment at a rescheduled time determined by the Tournament Director.

Approved Ruling: Game is called due to rain with the home team winning 9-1 after six innings.  In a Provincial Championship this is a suspended game and will be played to completion.

Exception: A game called because of the ten (10) run rule shall be considered a completed game.

22.07        Time Limit (11U and 10U Provincials Only)

In 11U & 10U Provincial Championships, during all games played in the round robin portion of the schedule, no new inning will commence after 2 hours from official start time.

If a game is within 20 minutes of the time limit after a complete inning the umpires will declare the next inning to be an open inning. If the open inning finishes before the 2-hour time limit expires than an additional open inning shall be played.

In the event that a coach engages in tactics meant to delay the game for the purpose of having the time limit expire they shall be warned by the umpires. If the tactics continue the coach shall be ejected and the next inning will be played (Note: If the offending team is losing at the end of the inning the game is over). This rule may be applied and enforced by the umpires or the BCMBA Director.

22.08        Mercy Rule

If a team is leading its opponent by at least ten (10) runs after five or more equal         innings have been played, or after four and one-half innings if the team second at bat should have a ten-run lead at the end of its fourth inning, or before the completion of its fifth inning, the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner. Should a team hit a “walk off” out of the park home run to end a game under the mercy rule all runners including the batter shall be permitted to score (as per the Official Rules of Baseball).

Rule 23:        Line-up & Substitutions:

23.01        Spring Play

        Associations forming house or interlock leagues are free to make their own rules         regarding substitution during Spring play.

23.02        Summer Play (all bat)- 10U & 11U (all levels); 13U A & AA; 15U A, 18U AA

  1. All players will bat in the order they are placed on the line-up sheet, whether they are on the playing field or the bench in any given inning.
  2. Should a player arrive late to a game his name may be added to the bottom of the batting order.
  3. In the event of an injury the following shall apply:
  1. to a runner - the last out will be allowed to replace the injured player
  1. to a batter - the last out will be allowed to complete the turn at bat (assumes count)
  2. to a fielder - any replacement from the bench
  1. Approved ruling: This rule may not be used in the case of pre-existing injuries. Teams cannot announce before a game that they have a player who requires a courtesy runner should they reach base. If the player is injured and cannot run from first to second, they should not be participating in the game and running from home to first.
  1. Once an injured player misses part of or their entire turn at bat they may not return to the game.
  1. Approved ruling: An at bat ends when a player is putout or becomes a base runner. A runner who is injured may return to the game.
  1. If a player must leave the park, is injured, or is ejected by the umpire they are simply skipped in the batting order. They are not an automatic out.
  2. Defensive changes may be made at any time.

23.03        Single Season Nine-player ball (13UAAA, 15UAA, 15UAAA, 18UAAA, 18UCP)

Any of the nine starting players may withdraw and re-enter once, provided such player occupies the same batting position whenever they is in the line-up.  This player may re-enter at any defensive position except they may not pitch twice in the same game. A substitute who is withdrawn may not re-enter.

Note: If, for any reason, a team makes an incorrect substitution and is not able to make a legal substitution, the game is forfeited to the other team. Wildcard and Provincial Championship tournaments will be 9-player ball only.


Approved Ruling:

Multiple substitutes may have occupied a position in the batting order prior to the         starter being re-entered. Example: Pawlick hitting second. Mundle bats for Pawlick. Sangara bats for Mundle. Pawlick can still re-enter for Sangara.

23.04        Injury Exceptions (9-player ball)

If an injury occurs during a game to a player which makes it impossible for that player to continue in the game and there is no player remaining who is eligible to enter the         game because of prior substitutions, then one of the players who has previously been withdrawn from the game may re-enter the game.

If a team chooses to use the Extra Hitter and only has ten (10) players on their game line-up, the injured player will be removed from their spot on the game line-up and the game will continue with nine (9) players.

23.05        Ejections Exceptions (9-player ball)

If, in the case of the first ejection of the game to a player, there is no player remaining who is eligible to enter the game because of prior substitutions, then one of the players who has previously been withdrawn from the game may re-enter the game. If a second ejection to a player of the same team occurs and there are no players eligible to enter the game a forfeit will result.

If, a team uses the Extra Hitter and only has ten (10) players on their game line-up, the first ejected player will be removed from their spot on the game line-up and the game will continue with nine (9) players.  If a second ejection to a player on the same team occurs, a game forfeit will result.

23.06        Selection of Replacement Player (injury or ejection)

When a team is permitted to make an improper substitution as a result of an injury or ejection when no fresh subs are available, the opposing manager shall select the replacement player from the players already removed from the game.

23.07        Designated Hitter Rule

The DH rule shall be an option in the 18U Division and 15UAAA only. All aspects of Baseball Canada Rule 5.11 apply. The current game pitcher may only pinch hit for the DH in an offensive inning. A pitching change may only be made in a defensive inning. If the game pitcher is removed from the game, they do not become a fresh substitute and are not eligible to re-enter.

23.08        Extra Hitter (EH)

  1. This rule may be used in any BCMBA league playing 9-player ball as described in Rule 23.03.
  2. Each team has the option to use an extra hitter (EH) and bat 10 players. The EH must be marked on the line-up at the start of the game and must be used for the entire game.
  3. (C)        The EH may be interchanged with any other position during the game and can be changed multiple times (for example, the SS could         become the EH and the EH become the SS).
  4. At the 18U level a team may elect to use an EH and a DH. These rules are completely separate.

Rule 24:        Pitching Rules

24.01        Number of Pitches and Required Rest


Spring Season

Single or Summer Season

10U & 11U

1-25 Pitches = No Rest
26-40 Pitches = 2 Night Rest

41-55 Pitches = 3 Nights Rest

56-65 Pitches = 4 Nights Rest

66-75 Pitches = 5 Nights Rest

Same as spring numbers.


1-35 pitches = no rest

36-55 pitches = 2 nights rest

56-75 pitches = 3 nights rest

1-45 pitches = no rest

46-70 pitches = 2 nights rest

71-85 pitches = 3 nights rest


1-35 pitches = no rest

36-65 pitches = 2 nights rest

66-85 pitches = 3 nights rest

1-45 pitches = no rest

46-75 pitches = 2 nights rest

76-95 pitches = 3 nights rest


1-45 pitches = no rest

46-65 pitches = 2 nights rest

66-100 pitches = 3 nights rest

1-50 pitches = no rest

51-75 pitches = 2 nights rest

76-115 pitches = 3 nights rest (105 for 18U AA)

Note #1:  Pitches thrown in warm-up, bullpen, or ruled no pitch by the umpire because time was called prior to the pitch or thrown when ruled no pitch due to a balk do not count towards pitch count.

Note #2: Pitch count is recorded after each game. A pitcher who requires rest after the first game of the day cannot pitch in the second game. Example: A 15U AAA pitcher who throws 50 pitches in game one is ineligible to pitch in game two.

Note #3: “If a pitcher has two appearances in the same day his/her total pitch count for the day is combined for the purpose of rest.”  For a pitcher to be eligible in the second game, they must pitch less than the minimum number before rest is required.   Example #1: A 15U AAA pitcher throws 46 pitches in game one – the pitcher would not be eligible to pitch in game two. Example #2: A 15U AAA pitcher who throws 30 pitches in game one and 40 pitches in game two has thrown 70 pitches for the day and requires 2 nights rest.

Note #4: “The following is a definition of a night’s rest. Example: Pitcher requires three nights rest after throwing a 1PM game on a Sunday. Pitcher rests Sunday night, Monday night, and Tuesday night and can pitch when they wake up on Wednesday morning.

Note #5 The total number of pitches thrown by an ambidextrous pitcher are counted for the purpose of calculating pitch count, regardless of which arm or combination there-of is throwing.

24.02        Exceeding Limits to Finish Batter

A pitcher is permitted to exceed the maximum limit (for a day) to complete pitching to a batter.

Note #1: Example #1: Pitcher starts a hitter at 43 pitches. At the end of the hitter the pitcher has thrown 47 pitches, and the pitcher is removed. The pitcher’s pitch count is recorded as 47 and they require two nights rest. Example 2: Pitcher starts a hitter at 93 pitches. At the end of the hitter the pitcher has thrown 97 pitches. The pitcher must be removed, and his pitch count is recorded as 95.

24.03        Pitching on Consecutive Days

Pitchers are not permitted to pitch on four (4) consecutive days. A player can only pitch on a third (3rd) consecutive day if ALL the following conditions are met.

  1. Games are during Spring Tournaments, Summer, Single Seasons or Provincials

  1. Their total pitch count on the 2 previous days does not exceed Spring “no rest” limit during Spring and does not exceed the Single Season or Summer Season “no rest” limit for their Division as defined under Rule 24.01.

        Example: A 13U pitcher may only pitch on a 3rd day if their combined total for days 1 and 2 does not exceed 35 pitches.

24.04        Pitching and Catching on the Same Day

Pitching and catching on the same day is permitted at all age divisions in league and championship play between BCMBA teams unless a tournament is a Western or National hosted in BC, in which case the current Canadian Baseball Rule applies.

24.05        Suspended Games

If a game is suspended the pitchers rest would be determined based on the number of pitches thrown to that point and recorded for that day. If a pitcher is ineligible to pitch at the beginning of a game, that is suspended after the first pitch, the pitcher remains ineligible to pitch in that game when it is completed at a later date.

Approved Rulings:

  1. 13U summer pitcher throws 70 pitches on Thursday. Friday’s game is rained out (prior to the first pitch) and rescheduled for Saturday. Pitcher is now eligible to pitch in Saturday’s makeup game.
  2. 13U pitcher throws 70 pitches on Thursday. Friday’s game is suspended (after the first pitch) and is completed on Saturday. Pitcher is not eligible to pitch in Saturday’s continued game because they were not eligible to pitch when the game began.
  3. 13U summer pitcher throws 70 pitches on Thursday and the game is suspended and completed on Friday. The pitcher’s 70 pitches are recorded on their Thursday pitch count. Pitcher is not eligible to pitch when the game is continued on Friday because they now require two night’s rest. If the game was completed on Saturday, the pitcher would be eligible to continue to pitch to their maximum pitch count for a day (15 more pitches). The pitches thrown in the completion of Saturday’s game would be recorded on the pitcher’s Saturday pitch count.
  4. 13U summer pitcher throws 20 pitches in the first game on Saturday. Their second game on Saturday is suspended. When the game is completed, the pitcher could only throw a maximum of 65 pitches because based on their morning, 65 pitches is all they could have thrown when the game began. Also, the pitcher must be eligible to pitch when the game is completed based on their previous day’s pitch count.

Note: These examples all use 13U summer numbers but can be applied to any division using the appropriate numbers

24.06        Pitcher Removed

A pitcher may not pitch twice in the same game. A pitcher who is removed for a pinch hitter or pinch runner during an offensive inning is considered to have been removed from the game as a pitcher for the purpose of this rule. A coach will be permitted to make a second trip to their pitcher during the same batter (if the pitcher’s pitch count is approaching the minimum rest requirement) to make a pitching change.

24.07        Rules Always in Effect

BCMBA pitching rules are always in effect for all BCMBA teams at all times regardless of whether or not the event is sanctioned by the BCMBA, BCMBA pitching rules will not be in effect for any team participating in a Western or National or other tournament where the team will be required to follow only the regulations of that governing body.

24.08        Penalty for Violations

  1. Maximum Pitch Count Violation

If a pitcher is about to exceed his/her maximum pitch count for the day the opposing manager and/or official scorekeeper and/or tournament director must inform the pitcher’s manager before the violation occurs. If a violation is discovered after it occurs the pitcher is simply removed from the mound and no further penalty will be invoked.

  1. Rest Rule Violation

If a pitcher pitches without proper rest as defined in Rule 24.01 the game will be forfeited to the opposing team. Such a violation may be protested by the opposing team up to 48 hours after the game upon the discovery of the violation. At a Provincial Championship, the violation must be protested at the time it occurs.

  1. No Eligible Players Available to Pitch

If a team does not have any player available to pitch at any point during a game due to Pitch Count and/or Rest Rule, the game shall be forfeited to the non-offending team.

Approved Ruling: If the violation is discovered while the ineligible pitcher is pitching, the pitcher will be removed from the mound and his manager ejected and suspended. If the violation is discovered after the ineligible pitcher has finished pitching the manager will be ejected and suspended. Games will never be forfeited at provincial championships due to any pitch count violation because the violation should have been discovered before it occurred.

24.09        Enforcement and Tracking

  1. Managers will be responsible for tracking the pitch count of their pitchers and may assign this duty to their scorekeeper, assistant coach, etc., however it is ultimately the manager’s responsibility to ensure pitch count is followed.

  1. Each team is responsible for maintaining a log of pitches thrown by their pitchers on the form provided by BC Minor Baseball.  A team may request to view their opposition’s pitch count log prior to a game.  A manager failing to maintain an accurate log may be reported to BC Minor Baseball and may face supplemental discipline including the forfeiture of games.

  1. Under no circumstances will umpires be expected to track or enforce pitch count.

24.10        Tracking at Provincial Championships

  1. In Provincial Championships the Host Committee shall appoint an adult who is responsible for tracking pitch count.
  2. The Official Pitch Count Tracker must inform a manager if they are about to use an ineligible pitcher under Rule 27.05.
  3. The Official Pitch Count Tracker shall either display a running total of each pitcher’s pitch count (flip chart) and/or make a public announcement of the pitch count at the end of each inning. A coach may request the current pitch count during an inning if it does not unreasonably delay the game.
  4. Prior to each game both Managers shall meet with the Official Pitch Count Tracker to determine which pitchers are ineligible to pitch in the game and which pitchers have pitching restrictions (ie. They may be pitched earlier in the day and can throw less than the daily maximum).
  5. (E)        The Host Committee should maintain one “Official Copy” of the pitch count logs that should be signed by each Manager after the game. The Host Committee is encouraged to display and maintain a second copy of the pitch count logs for public view where the tournament results are posted.

Note: Associations are encouraged to adopt this procedure for local tournaments.

Rule 25        Fair Play Rule

Failure to adhere to any stipulations below will result in a minimum forfeiture of the game and a minimum five-game suspension to the coach in charge.

25.01        10U & 11U Spring

All players in attendance at league games must play at least three complete innings of a six-inning game.

25.02        10U & 11U Summer

No player may sit off for 2 consecutive innings. With the exception of the pitcher, upon re-entering the game defensively, the player MUST play 1 full defensive inning comprised of 3 outs or the opposing         team scoring the run maximum.

25.03        13U A; 13U AA; 15U A; (Spring & Summer) 13U AAA; (April 1 to June 14)

All players must play at least three complete defensive innings of a six or seven inning game. All players must play at least two complete defensive innings of a five-inning game.

13U AAA begins 9-Player baseball (with the EH option) June 15 and goes to the end of the season.  

25.04        18U AA Spring

All players on the lineup must play a minimum of three consecutive defensive outs and complete at least one official plate appearance.

25.05        REPEALED 2024 AGM.

25.06        Single Season Teams

No fair play rules are mandated for 15U AA, AAA and 18U AAA teams. Coaching staffs are required to provide a player agreement form acknowledging the no minimum rule, to be signed by each player and a parent/guardian before the start of league play. Except for 13UAAA will be as per Rule 23.03.

Rule 26:        General Playing Rules

26.01        Slide or Avoid

If a play is being made, or is about to be made, it is MANDATORY for players of all age groups to slide or make an effort to avoid a collision at all bases and home plate. Failure to do either will result in an automatic 'out'. The ball is dead, and no runner may advance beyond the base that was last legally acquired. An umpire will have the option of ejection if the incident warrants such a measure.

26.02        Force Play Slide Rule

The force-play-slide rule is to ensure the safety of all players by preventing base runners from sliding wide of the base, most often in double play situations, to take out the pivot player who is in a vulnerable position and open to injury.  This rule pertains to a force-play situation at any base or home plate, regardless of the number of outs.  It does not apply to tag plays.  Whether or not the defense could have completed the double play or makes an attempt to complete another play has no bearing on the applicability of this rule.

On any force play, the runner must slide directly into the base (except as described in the exception below). “Directly into a base” means the runner’s entire body (feet, legs, trunk and arms) must stay in a straight line between the bases.

It is permissible for the sliding base runner’s momentum to carry him through the base on the baseline extended (see diagram), provided the slide begins before the base.  The runner may not slide to either side of the base and reach in and touch the base with his hand or foot as would be legal at the professional level.

When a runner does not slide directly into the base, the umpire shall rule interference when:

  1. Any contact occurs between the runner and fielder outside of the straight line between bases or
  2. The fielder is forced to avoid contact (by jumping the runner or other means) outside of the straight line between bases Contact with the fielder is permitted only on a direct slide into the base.

Exception: A runner may slide or run away from a base only if the runner slides or runs in a direction away from the fielder in order to avoid making contact with or altering the play of the fielder. Interference shall not be called.


  1. With less than two outs, the batter-runner, as well as the interfering runner, shall be declared out and all other runners must return to the base they occupied prior to the pitch. Note: In the event the interfering runner was safe on the play only the interfering runner will be called out, but all runners will return to the base they occupied prior to the pitch. If the interfering runner’s slide caused him to be safe (caused the fielder to drop the ball) then both the runner and batter are out.
  2. With two outs, the interfering runner shall be declared out and no other runner(s) shall advance.
  3. If the runner’s slide is flagrant and injures or had a high likelihood of injuring the fielder, the runner shall be ejected from the game.

26.03        Headfirst Slides

No intentional headfirst slides to a base or home plate are allowed in 13U, 11U, 9U and 7U. All offending players will be automatically called out. (Diving headfirst back to a base already legally acquired will be allowed.)

        Example Situations:

Should a player, after initially sliding feet first and not legally acquiring the base or home plate, reaches back with his/her hand shall be deemed safe. - Should a player, while attempting to legally acquire the base, inadvertently stumble or trip causing them to fall headfirst into the bag shall be deemed safe.

26.04        Bodily Fluids Rule (Blood)

  1. Any player during a game who is bleeding or who has an open wound, shall be removed from the field of play by the umpires. The player may return to the game only after the bleeding has stopped and the affected or open wound has been completely and securely covered to the satisfaction of the umpires.
  2. Should the same player start bleeding again or the affected area shows signs of bleeding, the umpires may remove the player for the duration of the game.
  3. Should any blood be on the players uniform, it must be washed out completely to the satisfaction of the umpire prior to the player returning to the game.
  4. The substitute player is only a courtesy player until the original player returns.
  5. If a pitcher, while pitching, suffers an injury referred to in paragraph (a) above, the umpire will call a courtesy time for no longer than fifteen (15) minutes. If the pitcher cannot return in this time a pitching change must be made.
  6. Should a team only have nine players available at the time of an injury referred to in paragraph (a) above a courtesy time will be called for no longer than fifteen (15) minutes. If the affected player is unable to return after this time, then the game will be forfeited.

26.05        Helmet Removal

Any base runner who removes (i.e. Throws helmet off) their helmet while running the base paths, is subject to put out. If, in the judgment of the game officials, a violation occurs the player will receive one warning. If the player in question, after receipt of one warning, is in violation a second time they are automatically called out. If in a given situation the violator represents the 3rd out in any given inning, any previous runs scored will count.

26.06        Infield Fly

The Infield Fly Rule applies to divisions 13U and up.

26.07        Minimum Players

A team failing to field at least nine uniformed players within fifteen minutes of the scheduled starting time of the game shall forfeit the game.

26.08        Run Limits

House and interlock leagues are free to set their own rules regarding run limits for Spring play. During summer play, inning run limits are as follows:

10U & 11U

3 outs or 4 runs will constitute an inning (except that a team may score unlimited runs in its last at bat in the 6th inning).  A 10-run mercy rule will apply after 5 innings. If, in the top of the sixth inning (or the top of the fifth if declared open), the visiting team goes ahead by ten or more runs, the coach of the home team will have the option of declaring the game over and concede the win to the visiting team.

13U A, 13UAA & 15U A

3 outs or 6 runs will constitute an inning (except that a team may score unlimited runs in its last at bat in the 7th inning, plus all extra innings in the event of a tie game).

26.09        Leadoffs

Leadoffs are not permitted at the 10U & 11U division.  If there is a lead off as described the ball is dead and a no pitch shall be called, and the runner(s) will be declared out. Leadoffs are permitted at all other divisions.

When the pitcher is in contact with the pitching rubber, with the ball in their possession, preparatory to the act of pitching, all base runners shall return to their bases and cannot leave until the pitched ball crossed the plate.

Note: When a runner is making a legitimate attempt to advance to the next base the pitcher cannot return to the mound and stand in a position preparatory to pitching for the purpose of having the runner return to their previous base. The intent of this rule is to eliminate the game of “chicken” played by base runners at this level.

After a pitch, if the catcher has possession of the ball in fair territory, any runner between third and home who stops advancing must return to third base. If a runner does not return to third base and the catcher does not make a play or does not throw the ball back to his pitcher the umpire may call time. If the catcher chooses to make a play on a runner returning to third base the ball is alive and in play. The runner may advance.

26.10        Dropped Third Strike

At the 10U & 11U divisions, on a dropped third strike the batter is out and may not become a base runner.

At all other divisions the batter is permitted to run on a dropped third strike subject to normal baseball rules.

26.11        BCMBA Authority to Overrule Forfeit

BCMBA has the authority to overrule any umpire’s decision to forfeit a game when BCMBA feels the forfeit was not in the best interests of the game or contrary to playing rules.  In these circumstances BCMBA may rule the game to be replayed, completed, or left unplaced as they determine is fit.

26.12        Balks/Failure to deliver the pitch.

Balks are called at the 13U division and higher as per general baseball rules.

At the 10U & 11U level balks are not called except as follows:

When with runners on base, the pitcher fails to deliver the pitch after beginning his pitching motion, the umpire shall call,” Time…no pitch.”  The umpire shall relate to the pitcher that they must deliver the ball without stopping his motion as this is a ball. No runner may advance on the call.  Any subsequent failure to deliver the pitch after starting his motion, the umpire shall call, “Time, ball,” and then charge the pitcher with a ball.  No runners may advance on the call.

        Note: The intent of this rule is to prevent pitchers from stopping their delivery to home plate when they see a batter square to bunt.

26.13        Warming-Up Pitchers

Any Manager, Coach, Player, Parent and/or any other person that is warming-up a pitcher must wear a catcher’s mask.

Where the location to warm-up the pitcher is located within the field of play, a Manager, Coach, Player, Parent or another person must be used as a spotter, to protect the players from any batted or thrown baseballs.  Note, if a player is used, they must wear a batting helmet.

26.14        Intentional Walks

No intentional walks permitted in the 11U Division.

Note: other divisions dictated by Baseball Canada, currently allowed.

Rule 27:        Illegal & Ineligible Players

27.01        Definition of Illegal Player

An illegal player is one who is not legally a member of the League or Team for any reason including but not limited to the requirements as to age and/or residence.

27.02         Penalty for Illegal Player

Playing illegal players shall result in forfeiture of games in which players participated illegally if protested by any of the League managers or officers in writing at any time during the season.

Any manager or coach who has an illegal player(s) on their roster and plays the said player(s) shall be immediately suspended from coaching within BCMBA pending a ruling and decision by the discipline committee of BCMBA.

27.03        Definition of Ineligible Player

An ineligible player is one who is legally a member of the League, but who is ineligible to pitch because of a pitching regulation or rule violation or is ineligible to play a particular game because they have been in the lineup once and has been removed from the game or has been declared ineligible for other cause.

27.04        Penalty for Ineligible Player

Penalty for the use of ineligible player/pitcher shall be the immediate removal of the pitcher from the mound as pitcher or other player from the game and the removal of the manager/head coach from the game upon appeal by the opposing manager, or notification by the official scorer or League official, provided the official scorebook or other League records verify the ineligibility of the player concerned. The manager/head coach also becomes ineligible to manage/coach in the team’s next game in the case of an incorrect substitution and next two games in the case of a pitching violation. Note: In the case of an incorrect substitution the team must replace the player with a legal sub. If the team does not have any legal “Fresh” subs the game shall be declared a forfeit.

For purposes of interpreting this rule, a player should not be considered in violation of the rules until at least one legal pitch has been thrown after the violation has occurred.

Players and coaches who have been suspended for any reason, are declared “ineligible” to play or coach for the games that they are suspended. Notwithstanding anything herein, the penalty for playing or coaching while under suspension shall be forfeiture of the game including the possibility of further suspension.

27.05        Duty to Report Ineligible Player (Single Season/Provincial Championship)

It is the responsibility and duty of the Tournament Director, official scorekeeper, opposing manager or coach, or any other official to prevent a player becoming ineligible (such as a pitcher, pitching too many pitches), by warning the manager or coach of the player concerned.

Rule 28:        Protests and Penalties

28.01        7U, 9U, 10U & 11U

It is strongly recommended that Member Associations include in their local rules that no protests be allowed in 7U, 9U, or 10U & 11U Divisions.

Protests shall not be permitted at the 10U & 11U levels during summer league play and zones except those based on the use of ineligible or illegal players. Protests are permitted at the 10U & 11U Provincial Championships.

28.02        Protest Procedure (Summer League or Single Season)

  1. A protest based on a play which involved an umpire's judgment call is not permitted.
  2. If a protest is based on an interpretation of the rules, the objecting manager must at the time the play occurs, notify the head umpire, the opposing manager and official scorer that the game is being played under protest, and submit the protest in writing within 48 hours of the completion of the game.  For spring games, this protest should be submitted to the local league or association. For summer games the protest should be submitted to the BC Minor Baseball protest committee with copy to the divisional director
  3. Umpires should make a public announcement to the crowd when a game is being played under protest.
  4. When a protest based on the interpretation of a rule is upheld by the League or the BCMBA the game concerned shall be replayed from the point of protest and takes precedence over other circumstances such as weather or darkness.
  5. Protests will not be permitted at the 7U, 9U, 10U and 11U levels.

28.03        Withdrawal of team

Any team manager, coach or other adult leader who withdraws a team from the playing field under any circumstances prior to the official completion of the game shall forfeit the game and all rights to protest.

28.04        Protest Committee (Provincial Championships)

The BCMBA Director assigned to the Championship will rule on all protests. The Director may choose to add other individuals to the Protest Committee, specifically the umpire in chief or other BCMBA Directors who may be present; however, the final decision always rests with the Director assigned to the Championship.

28.05        Protest Procedure (Provincial Championships)

When a manager/head coach believes an Umpire decision is in violation of the playing rules (no protest may be made on a judgement call) they may elect to inform the game Crew Chief that they are lodging a protest. This notification must occur before the next pitch/play.

Once the protest is announced the following procedure shall apply:

  1. The Crew Chief shall suspend play and inform the manager of the opposing team and the Protest Committee of the protest.
  2. Both teams shall be sent to their respective dugouts or dressing rooms.
  3. Before the Protest Committee hears the protest the protesting manager/head coach must put forward a protest deposit fee of $ 50 cash. Should the protest be upheld, the fee will be returned. Should the protest be denied the fee will be retained by BCMBA.
  4. The Protest Committee, both managers/head coaches and the game CREW Chief shall retire to a private area away from the teams, spectators, and other persons off the field of play. The Protest Committee shall first hear the game crew chief. Secondly, the protesting manager/head coach shall have the opportunity to explain his/her protest. Thirdly, the opposing manager/head coach shall be given an opportunity to explain his perspective. Once the protest committee has concluded their investigation and interviews the managers/head coaches and game crew chief shall then leave while the Protest Committee discusses the protest in consultation with the tournament umpire in chief. Before ruling on the protest, the Protest Committee may confer with any person whom they believe may be helpful in assisting them to reach a decision.
  5. Once the Protest Committee has reached a decision the BCMBA Director in Charge will advise the game crew chief and both managers/head coaches of the decision. The game Crew Chief shall put the decision into effect and order resumption of play from the point of suspension. No further argument or comment on the protest shall be entertained. The decision of the Protest Committee shall be final. There shall be no appeal to any other body.

28.06        Protest of Illegal Players at Provincial Championship

No protest shall ever be permitted in a Provincial Championship for the use of illegal players not challenged and proven before the scheduled starting time in question.

Rule 29:        Provincial Championship Tiebreaking Rules

29.01        Tiebreaker

The round robin tie breaking rules are set out below. Please note the following:

  1. Statistics are calculated based upon the games between the teams that are tied with each other, and not all of the games in the competition.
  2. If the first part of the rule places one team above others in the case of three or more teams involved in the tie, but the remaining teams are still tied, then the remaining parts of the rule are applied using statistics from the matches involving all of the original teams in the tie.
  3. In the event that a team involved in a tie has forfeited a game played between tied teams they will be automatically eliminated from the tie and the criteria above will be used to determine placement between the remaining teams.

Order: The team with the best win/loss record in the game(s) played between the tied teams will place higher in the standings.

  1. If the tie persists, the placement of teams will be dictated by the ratio of number of runs allowed per defensive inning.  A defensive inning is defined as having taken the field and a pitch thrown.
  2. If the tie persists, the placement of teams will be dictated by the ratio of runs scored per offensive inning.  An offensive inning is defined as having been at bat for at least one pitch.
  3. If the tie persists, then the team with the best won/loss record against the highest placed team not in the tie, followed by a comparison to the next placed team, etc., will place higher in the standings.
  4. If after the application of the four rules, there still remains a tie, then the four rules will be reapplied to the remaining tied teams, except that the statistics will be based on the games between only the remaining tied teams, and not all of the teams in the original tie.
  5. 10U & 11U Divisions Only – if a tie persists then the records of all teams in the pool shall be used to determine the tie breaker.

29.02        Tiebreaker Game (Applies to 15U and 18U ONLY)

This rule applies to any Provincial Championship using a round robin format where the top two teams from each group advance to the semi-finals. In the event that there is a three-way tie for first place (three teams at 2-1 or 3-1 depending on the size of the group) the tiebreaking rules as outlined in Rule 29.01 will be used to rank the teams. (Note: This rule does not apply to a tie for second place where teams have 2 or more losses) The team ranked first will advance to the semi-finals. The 2nd and 3rd place teams will play a tiebreaker game to determine the second-place team. The ranked second in the tie will be the home team for the tiebreaker game. This game will be written in the Provincial schedule by BCMBA and Rule 20.06 may apply. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that teams are no longer eliminated from a provincial with only one loss.

Rule 30:        7U Specific Rules

30.01        7U will follow the rules set out in the Baseball Canada Rally Cap Program.

Rule 31:        9U Specific Rules

31.01        Preamble

The BCMBA is pleased to provide to its member affiliates the following rule variations covering minor divisional play in the 9U Division. It is hoped that the SUGGESTED FORMAT be adopted into each organization's respective programs. It is designed to get young people interested in the game of baseball by stressing and maintaining active participation of all the players; with mandatory and total free substitutions each inning and EMPHASIS PLACED ON TEACHING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF BASEBALL.


All rules as listed in this handbook shall apply and unless specifically mentioned, all regular rule interpretations shall apply. The only differences are contained in the following.

31.02         Playing Line

Playing Line is the arched line from the first and third base lines which is a guideline for the plate umpire to determine a fair hit ball. The playing line is the distance down the first and third base lines and from the tip of home plate and shall be fifteen feet (15'). A chalk line or other white material is then arched across the playing field.
A Fair Hit Ball is a legally batted ball that in the plate umpire's opinion will or could have firmly crossed the playing line, in fair territory, even if it is fielded before crossing the line.
A Dead Hit Ball is a legally batted ball that in the plate umpire's opinion will not or could not have firmly crossed the playing line, even if it is fielded. But if the ball is in flight and is caught the batter is out and the ball is alive.

31.03        General

  1. All players turning 8 or 9 years old in the current year (or younger) are eligible to play.

  1. Before a game, each head coach must give a copy of his batting line-up to the opposing team and the home plate umpire.

  1. The batting line-up must contain the first and last name of each player and coach involved in the game and each of their uniform numbers in writing that is legible to the plate umpire prior to the game starting. The plate umpire may delay the game until the plate umpire is satisfied that line-up cards have been presented in legible enough form for the umpires to complete their duties.

  1. Home teams are to supply the umpires for their game.

  1. During a game, coaches or parents cannot position themselves on the outside of the backstop behind the umpire in order to coach the team or umpire. There will be warning and if this continues, the coach will be ejected.

  1. The BCMBA Code of Conduct applies.

  1. No new inning shall be started later than 2 hours and 15 minutes from the start of the game.

  1. The length of a legal game is 4 complete innings but no more than 6 innings of pitched baseball.

  1. 9 players allowed on the field per inning.

  1. You must have a minimum of 9 players starting the game.

  1. You can only dress 13 players per game, although you may carry as many spares as you like.

  1. Three (        3) outs or a maximum of four (4) runs per inning, with the last inning of play having a (10 run) maximum limit. See mercy exception in 31.03 (O).

  1. All players must play the infield for a minimum of 2 innings and the outfield for a minimum of 1 inning per game.

  1. No player may play more than 2 innings in one position with the exception of the catcher who may play a maximum of 3 innings per game.

  1. All players must sit once before another player sits twice.

  1. The Home team will only take their last bats, if the run differential is less than 10, if the run differential is 10 or more then the mercy rule will apply. If in their last bats the home team goes ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will end.

  1. When at bat, any team may pull their catcher off the bases to dress for the next inning when there are 2 outs. The last player out will replace them.

  1. Everyone bats.

  1. A regulation hard ball is used.

  1. Base paths are set at 60 feet.

  1. Pitching shall be from 42 feet (players may pitch from 46 feet, but it is not mandatory. If a player elects to pitch from 46 feet, they must start and finish that inning from 46 feet).

  1. All players may only pitch 1 inning per game. (Does not apply to tournament play).

  1. Pitchers in 9U may only pitch one inning per game to a maximum of 35 pitches (after delivering one (1) pitch to a batter, that player shall not pitch in any other inning that game); (Does not apply to tournament play).

  1. a pitcher may pitch in two (2) games in a single day so long as the total number of pitches in the first game is 25 or less; (Does not apply to tournament play).
  2. a pitcher may pitch in consecutive days, so long as the total number of pitches the previous day is 25 or less; (Does not apply to tournament play).
  3. a pitcher may not pitch three (3) days in a row.

  1. Removed 2020 because of change to 22 above.

  1. Any pitcher who delivers 1 pitch to a batter shall be considered to have pitched one inning.

  1. The pitcher may pitch from the “set position” without coming to a full stop before delivery. No “balk balls” will be called against the pitcher.

  1. One (1) trip to the mound by coaches per inning – per player. Pitcher is to be removed on a 2nd trip to the mound by coaches. The pitcher removed due to this rule cannot return as a pitcher in this game in a later inning.

  1. If a batter is hit by a pitched ball, the batter is awarded first base.

  1. Any pitcher that hits 2 batters must be removed from the pitching mound.

  1. Base stealing is allowed. A base runner can never go home based on a throw during an attempted stolen base. Base runners may only score when the ball is initially hit into play, or when forced home (by a walk, hit batter, catcher interference, etc.).

  1. No stealing home on a pass ball or on a missed throw back to the pitcher.

  1. Base runners must stop running once the pitcher has possession of the ball on the mound.

  1. Any runner that stops advancing to a base, when the pitcher has possession of the ball on the mound, the runner must return to the base they came from.

  1. Any base runner that overruns another base runner is declared out.

  1. Leadoffs are not allowed. The ball must cross home plate before any runner(s) can leave the base(s).

  1. No headfirst sliding allowed. The runner will be called out.

  1. Bunting is allowed. A bunt is considered a strike if missed or fouled. A batter that fouls a bunt on strike 3 is out.

  1. The batter cannot run on a third strike dropped by the catcher.

  1. The catcher interference rule is in effect. No pitch is to be called. One warning is to be issued to the catcher and if interference occurs again the batter will be awarded 1st base (per batter).

  1. The slide or avoid rule is in effect.

  1. The umpire will call obstruction on a defensive player if the bag or plate is not partly exposed. The runner will be awarded the base. Obstruction is defined as: the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding the ball, impedes the progress of any runner. While it is accepted that fielders must leave a clear path to the bases, a catcher in possession of the ball, or in the act of fielding the ball, is allowed to block the plate. No obstruction will be called.

  1. Players will be called out for throwing their bat. If the batter is called out; no base runners will advance on the play.

  1. If a player leaves a game because of an injury or an emergency, that player will be scratched from the line-up and the team will not be penalized.

  1. Players who arrive late will be added to the line-up.

31.04        Tournament Rules (Same as regular season with these exceptions)

  1. Home team is decided by a coin toss, unless specified in the tournament schedule.

  1. Tie breakers as per BC Minor Baseball Rules.

  1. Winning team must report game score to concession stand.

  1. Birth certificates must be provided prior to the start of the tournament.

  1. The home team is required to have the umpires sign their scorebook.

  1. In the event of a protest, the tournament committee will review and make the ruling.

  1. Home team in semi-finals will be decided as to how they place in the round robin. Home team in the final will be decided by a coin toss.

  1. Trophies are awarded to 1st and 2nd place teams. Participation medals will be awarded to all players.

  1. One MVP will be selected from each team for each game.

  1. Pitching in tournament play - Players may pitch in more than one inning.

  1. Pitching in tournament play:
  1. Pitchers may only pitch up to a maximum of 65 pitches (a pitcher who starts a batter with less than 65 pitches can finish the batter).
  2. A pitcher may pitch in two (2) games in a single day so long as the total number of pitches in the first game is 25 or less.
  3. a pitcher may pitch on consecutive days, so long as the total number of pitches the previous day is 25 or less.
  4. a pitcher who pitches more than 40 pitches in a day will require two nights rest before pitching again.
  5.  pitcher who pitches more than 55 pitches in a day will required three nights rest before pitching again;

  1. All teams must provide a pitching log for the current week at the beginning of the tournament.

  1. Each team must sign the pitching log after each tournament game

Rule 32:        Application to Host Provincial Championships

32.01        Application to Host

Any member Association of the BCMBA as so outlined in Rule 1 in its entirety and in good standing, desirous to host a Zone or Provincial Tournament competition, must submit their request in writing to the BCMBA registered office, on or before the BCMBA AGM prior to the Tournament year with the exception of 10U/11U Division who submissions must be received prior to or on the February BCMBA Board of Directors Meeting. Applications to host the event for multiple years will be considered.

32.02        Application Contents

        Letters should contain the following:

  1. The name of the Association requesting the tournament.
  2. The name, address, and telephone number of the Association President, Secretary and Tournament Director.
  3. The name and location of the park or parks where games will be played.
  4. A brief summary of facilities available such as concessions, seating and capacity, public address systems, etc.
  5. Any extra activities, if any, planned for visiting teams and dignitaries.

32.03        Approval of Applications

Zone Play-Offs

Approval to host a Zone play-off: i.e. Winning teams of two or more areas in the same zone, be left to the discretion of the appointed BCMBA Chairperson of each division as so outlined in By-Laws Article XIII, Section 1 and 2 and all preceding rules and regulations and/or the Board of Directors of the BCMBA

Provincial Play-Offs

The board of BCMBA will review applications received by the February 1st deadline and make awards to the winning association who will be notified prior to March 1st.

The Board of Directors of BCMBA reserves the right to request any affiliated member body to host any tournament competition with the member body having the right of refusal with just cause.

The final decision on whether or not any member Association is awarded the privilege of hosting a tournament competition rests with the Board of Directors of BCMBA

Rule 33:        Host Responsibilities

33.01        Associations hosting provincial tournaments shall:

  1. Appoint an Official Scorer and an Official Pitch Count Tracker for all games.
  2. Assign qualified and competent umpires. Refer to rule 17.01. 3-person system is recommended for semi-finals and finals.
  3. Provide and maintain fields to an adequate standard and to ensure fields and surrounding areas are kept clean.
  4. Maintain accurate and updated standings and results.
  5. Arrange for a location for the Pre-Tournament Meeting
  6. Support the BCMBA Director in ensuring the Code of Conduct is followed by spectators including ensuring that spectators are not consuming alcohol during games.
  7. Designate an individual to provide regular game updates and other information to BCMBA point of contact for dissemination to social media subscribers and the BCMBA website. BCMBA to provide point of contact in advance of the Provincials.

33.02        Associations hosting provincial tournaments are encouraged to:

  1. Have an Opening Ceremony
  2. Have a Skills Competition or Home Run Derby (particularly at 13U and lower)
  3. Use a public-address system/announcer
  4. Create a tournament program
  5. Supply game MVPs or other tournament awards such as a Team Sportsmanship Award
  6. Have a concession that includes healthy choices
  7. Provide umpires with a dressing area
  8. Provide basic first aid
  9. Provide water to the teams
  10. Inform local law enforcement of the tournament dates and request drive/cycle/walk-through on the dates of the tournament.

33.03        At Provincial Championships BCMBA is responsible for:

  1. Supplying baseballs
  2. Supplying gold and silver medals
  3. Assigning a BCMBA Tournament Director
  4. Chairing the Coaches Meeting (see appendix B for an agenda)

33.04        Provincial Berth Distribution

Each traditional region in the Province is to be known as Interior, Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley, North & Vancouver Island.

A Provincial Championship berth allocation shall be at a minimum one team at each division/tier if declared except for all single season leagues. BCMBA Provincial Championship berth allocation by proportional representation by region. Regions are as noted: Interior, Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley, North & Vancouver Island.

Rule 34:        Repealed AGM 2022.

Rule 35        26U Division

35.01        General

        BC Minor Baseball will coordinate and administer a 26U division.

The BCMBA director responsible for the 26U division has the responsibility, in consultation with the teams, to make scheduling decisions and to establish general playing rules at the beginning of each season. Rule 35 is the only BCMBA rule that is applied to the 26U Division. This division is not bound by any other BCMBA rules unless directly referenced in this rule.

35.02        26U Division Rules

  1. Age – Players who are 18-25 years old, as of January 1st of the current playing year, are eligible to play. The business manager of each team must be age 25 or older. (Note: A player who is 24 years old on January 1st (12:01AM) and turns 25 during the season is eligible.)
  2. Discipline – The BC Minor Baseball Discipline Committee will rule on all ejections, reported violations of the BC Minor Baseball Code of Conduct, or violations of league rules.
  1. This committee will have the authority to suspend or fine any player or coach. Fines may also be issued to teams for incidents involving the conduct of a team. The maximum of individual or team fine is $100. Umpires are reminded that all ejections must be reported to the BCBUA. Coaches should communicate their perspective on ejections involving their team to the chair of the Discipline Committee within 24 hours of the ejection.
  2. The Discipline Committee’s decision will be communicated to the BCMBA director, and the Head Coach of the team involved. All ejections will be ruled on based on their merits. There is no automatic one game suspension. Any fines incurred during the season will be due to BC Minor Baseball within seven days and will off-set the costs of the year end windup tournament. The discipline process and the Code of Conduct outlined in Rule 13 apply.
  1. Declaration Dates & Bonds – All teams who wish to field a 26U team must declare in writing and submit a performance bond of $500 per team to the BCMBA director responsible for the division by March 1st. This performance bond will not be refunded if a team drops out after March 1st.
  2. Performance Bonds & Fines – Each team must submit a performance bond of $500 per team. All fines outstanding at the end of the season will be deducted from this bond. In addition to fines issued by the Discipline Committee, there will forfeit fines as follows:
  1. Team forfeits game at the park due to a lack of players - $150
  2. Team cancels game with less than 48 hours’ notice - $100
  3. Note: Fines levied under section i & ii will be forwarded to the opposing team to off-set their inconvenience.
  1. Affiliation Fees – League fees due to BCMBA are per rule 2.01 for insurance and administration fees. Divisional league fees due to BCMBA are $200 (in addition to the bond) per team for the purpose administrator fees as well as hats and registration for the select team going to Provincials. Any money left at the end of the season will be put towards the year end tournament. This money is due to BC by May 1st. Any team not paying this fee will not be permitted to play until the fee is played.
  2. Administrator position – The 26U Division has the authority to hire an individual responsible for the administration of the division’s schedule at a cost of $50 per team. This cost will be part of team affiliation fees and paid by the BCMBA.
  3. Boundaries – There are no boundaries in this division.
  4. Appeals – The appeal process outlined in Rule 16 applies to the 26U Division.


General Notes:

  1. In draws where teams play 2 round robin games on one day the higher seeds should have their DH on Day 1 and Day 2 while the lower seeds should have their DH on Day3.
  2. Draws may be amended for Opening Ceremonies & Skills Competitions.
  3. When tournaments use two-fields directors must consider whether to have one group play on each field or whether to balance each group’s games between the two fields.  When one field is clearly of higher quality the Director must balance the games among fields.
  4. Directors should balance home and away games on the draw.  Single Season leagues must give the choice of home team to the higher seed.
  5. Directors should consider the wishes of the host when determining provincial draws.
  6. When using two fields for the round robin, directors must consider whether to play both semi-final games at the same time on different fields or at different times on one field.
  7. Directors can choose to play games in any order they desire. Teams should not play back-to-back games including playing the last game in the evening followed by the first game in the morning.
  8. Monday is always saved as a rain day and teams must be prepared to play in the event of weather.
  9. Provincial draws, seeding, etc. must be forwarded to all teams with their summer league schedule.

Standard 10U & 11U Draw (10 teams)

Friday                Group A/B (Two Fields)
8:30                3-1
11:00                4-2
1:30                5-3
4:00                1-4
6:30                2-5

8:30                3-4
11:00                1-2
1:30                4-5
4:00                2-3
6:30                5-1

10:00                Semi Finals
2:00                Bronze & Gold

Any Division (8 teams) – Only one field required

9:00                Group A        2-4
12:00                Group B         2-4
3:00                Group A        1-3
6:00                Group B        1-3

9:00                Group A        2-1
12:00                Group B        2-1
3:00                Group A        4-3
6:00                Group B        4-3

9:00                Group A        4-1
12:00                Group B        4-1
3:00                Group A        2-3
6:00                Group B        2-3

10:00                Semi Final #1
1:00                Semi Final #2
4:30                Final

10 Team Provincial Draws

There are three options for the organization of this draw.

Option A:


2 games per group


4 games per group


4 games per group


Semi Finals

The disadvantage with this draw is that one team in each group does not play Thursday and plays 2 games both Friday and Saturday. This draw does not give any room for make-up games should there be rain. The advantage of this draw is it allows more time for teams to travel to the tournament on Thursday.

Option B:


4 games per group


4 games per group


2 games per group


Semi Finals

The disadvantage of this draw is that one team in each group does not play on Saturday and has an advantage for Sunday. In 15U AAA this advantage can be given to the higher seeds who earn their position in league play.

The advantage of this draw is there is time on Saturday for make-up games in the event of weather. In 15U and 18U this is a recommended draw because it guarantees tiebreaker games can be played on Saturday evening at 4:30.

Option C:


3 games per group


4 games per group


3 games per group


Semi Finals

This is the recommended draw for 13U because each team plays at least one game each day. The #1 seed in each group should have their DH on Thursday. Seeds 2,3,4 in each group should have their DH on Friday. Seed 5 in each group should have their DH on Saturday.

This draw could be used at 15U and 18U; however, when three round robin games are played on Saturday it is difficult to play a tiebreaker game if it is required. If the teams involved in the tiebreaker had not already played 2 round robin games on Saturday, the tiebreaker could be played on Saturday at 6PM. Otherwise the tiebreaker would have to be played Sunday morning and if the team winning the tiebreaker game also won their semi-final, then the final would be moved to Monday.


Appendix C: Example of an LSO Conflict Resolution Policy template

The Executive Committee members of the (LSO) recognize that disagreements are a normal byproduct of participation in any organization, including minor sports. We commit to providing a mechanism to allow all parties to find a fair resolution through a transparent process.  

This policy should be followed in any of the following instances:  

  1. Any “LSO” stakeholder perceives that a violation of any of the codes of conduct (Player, Coach, Parent) of “LSO” has been committed.  
  2. There is a disagreement about the manner in which any “LSO” policies/baseball rules are applied.  
  3. Outlined below are the steps that Parents, Players, and Coaches should use to deal with any conflicts that arise.  
  4. All stakeholders should be aware that all allegations of a serious or criminal nature will be reported immediately to the police or relevant agency and will not be investigated by “LSO”.  

Step 1: Coaches/Parents should address any concerns by dealing directly with the person involved.  

  1. Wait 24 hours after the event or conflict (except in cases where immediate action to deal with a serious matter is concerned, e.g. abuse, harassment)
  2. Write out the facts of the conflict or concern on paper.  
  3. The Coach/Parent shall contact the other party and ask to meet outside of normal practice/game times, as soon as possible after the event/concern. The parties should meet within 48hrs of the request being made to discuss the issue.  
  4. Parents or Coaches requesting a meeting should bring their written, specific concerns to this meeting, not simply complain about general issues related to the team.  
  5. If the issue is resolved at the meeting there is no need for further action by “LSO”, however the Parent(s)/Coach(es) should document that an issue was raised and resolved.  The Coach should then notify their respective Division Director of the resolution of the issue.
  6. This should all take place within 3 days of the event/conflict. If Step 1 does not resolve the issue, then both parties must put their concerns in writing (or email) and forward these notes to the Division Director and the Executive Director within 24 hours.

Step 2: Involve Division Director and Executive Director if Necessary.  

  1. If the Parent and Coach cannot agree on a resolution in Step 1, the Division Director and Executive Director will arrange to meet with the parties within 3 days of receiving letters from both parties describing the conflict and suggested resolutions.  
  2. If the parties reach agreement on a resolution at this conference, there is no need for further action. The Executive Director and Division Director should inform the Executive in writing that a formal complaint has been brought forward, that a meeting has been held, and that a resolution has been reached.  
  3. If the parties do not reach a mutually agreeable resolution, they will forward the information collected to the Executive.  This should all be done within 7 days of the event/concern.  

Step 3: Involve Executive Committee

  1. If the issue is not resolved in Step 2 the Executive will meet as necessary to determine a fair resolution to the issue.  
  2. The Executive’s decision will be conveyed to the parties involved, in writing, along with a clear explanation of the rationale behind the decision and any penalties that are applied.  
  3. This should be completed within 14 days of the event/concern.  

Potential Consequences  

All parties involved with “LSO” should be aware of the consequences from actions deemed inappropriate, including:  

  1. verbal apology to parties involved (with Director’s witness)  
  2. written apology to parties involved (and copy to the Executive)  
  3. temporary ban on attending “LSO” events (parents or players)  
  4. permanent ban on attending “LSO” events (parents or players)  
  5. temporary suspension of coaching privileges  
  6. permanent suspension of coaching privileges

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